Minutes Wed 20 Sep 1916

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Wed 20 Sep 1916


Letter from Messrs Vowles & Sons suggested increase of limit to six tons. Payment of half upkeep for repairs from 1 September. Committee could not agree to limit of more than 5 tons.
Letter from S S Marling following report received by him from Mr Field. On 8 September he had great difficulty getting barge up canal above swing bridge from railway to Brush Works at Stonehouse. Committee resolved to let letters lie on table.
Clerk had received, from Messrs Smith Baker & Price, Messrs Smith & Sons Ltd’s cheque for £70 13s 10d as compensation re loss of licence on Ship inn premises, Wallbridge.
Application from Messrs Steel & Co for electric power cable under canal at Ebley. Agreement for wayleave rent £1 1s per annum.
Tonnage 1 April to 19 September £345 0s 6d, 1915 £437 3s 10d.

Verbatim text

[1916 Sept] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of September 1916 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Edward P Little, S S Marling, F S Whittingham, W^m Davies, F A Little.
A letter from Messrs Vowles and Sons of Stonehouse Mills dated 17^th August was read in which they would be glad if the Company would increase the proposed limit to six tons and should then be willing to enter into an Agreement on these lines to pay half the up-keep for repairs as from 1^st September. As instructed by the Chairman the Clerk had written to Messrs Vowles and Sons saying that the Committee were unable to agree to the proposed limit of more than 5 tons of load to which so far no reply had been received.
A letter was read from Mr S S Marling stating that he had received a report from M^r Field who said that on the 8^th inst he had great difficulty in getting his barge up the Canal immediately above the Swing Bridge leading from the Railway to the Brush Works at Stonehouse. After reading the correspondence that had taken place been the Clerk and Mr Field the Committee resolved to let the letters lie on the table.
The Clerk reported that he had received per Messrs Smith Baker & Price, Messrs Smiths & Sons Ltd cheque value £70..13..10 the same being compensation re loss of Licence on Ship Inn premises at Wallbridge.
It was resolved to credit the Reserve Fund A/c with the amount and a Cheque was drawn accordingly.
Application from Messrs Steel & C^o re Electric Power Cable under Canal at Ebley temporary cable put under Canal. Letter from Messrs Steel & C^o was considered and the Company's Solicitors instructed to prepare Agreement way-leave - rent £1..1..0 p a.
April 1^st to Sept 19^th 1916: 345^£..0^s..6^d
1915: 437..3..10.
Credit Balance at Bank: £ s d
Sept 19^th 1916: 360..5..5
1915: 523..13..5.

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