Minutes Wed 20 Dec 1916

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Wed 20 Dec 1916


Messrs Vowles & Co. agreed to pay cost of repairing damage to Stonehouse Swing Bridge. Mr Matthews of Ebley’s estimate £1 17s 6d.
Deputation to Secretary of Board of Trade from Leeds & Liverpool, the Rochdale and the Bridgewater Canal Companies who were seeking financial aid from Government.
Tonnage 1 October to 19 December £152 17s 3d, 1915 £191 19s 5d.

Verbatim text

[1916 December] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of December 1916 at 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, Edward P Little, S S Marling, F A Little, F S Whittingham.
The Memorandum of the proceedings at the Meeting of Committee on Nov 15 was read and on the proposal of Mr S S Marling seconded by Mr E P Little approved and confirmed.
The Clerk reported that the necessary forms had been signed and returned authorising the payment of the Dividends and Interest on securities forming the Reserve Fund to the credit of the Company's A/c, at Lloyds Bank Ltd, Stroud.
Further that damage had been done to the Stonehouse Swing Bridge by Messrs Vowles & C^o who had written agreeing to pay cost of repairing which Mr Matthews of Ebley had Estimated at £1..17..6.
The Canal Association had reported that the Secretary of the Board of Trade had received a deputation from the Leeds & Liverpool, the Rochdale and the Bridgewater Canal Companies who were seeking Financial Aid from the Government but while expressing sympathy did not give much hope of success on their endeavours.
The Clerk produced Statement of A/cs and Balance Sheet of the Thames and Severn Canal for the year ended the 30^th September 1916. The amount of Tolls received by this Company in respect of through Traffic over the Stroudwater Navigation to and from the Thames and Severn Canal for the year ended the 30^th September 1916 will now be ascertained in compliance with Sec 43 of the Thames and Severn Canal Trust Act 1895.
The Tonnage Receipts Oct 1^st to Dec 19^th were £182..17..3 compared with £191..19..5 for same period in 1915.
Credit Balance at Bank was £336..5..11 as against £303..2..4 at this date in last year.

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