Minutes Wed 18 Apr 1917

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Wed 18 Apr 1917


Letter to Rochdale Canal Co.
Application for increased wages. Wm Iliff, wharfinger at Wallbridge granted iIncrease of 2s per week (3s to 5s). Jas Harris, tidesman at Framilode, wages increased by 2s per week and use of small paddock adjoining warehouse at Framilode granted. To cultivate same during working hours.
Men with boat, and lock keeper White, used for unloading barges. Committee recommended settlement of 25s a week each man. Men essential to working of canal and for unloading of barges. At present cannot be replaced. No other man doing this particular work on Navigation.
Mr Jefferies re trees at Downfield discussed. Nothing done yet.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of April 1917 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Edward P Little, Jack Margetson, A J Morton Ball, W^m Davies, F S Whittingham.
The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
A letter had been written to the Rochdale Canal C^o in terms set out in Minute of last Meeting.
Application for increased wages:-
1 W^m Iliff, Wharfinger at Wallbridge increase of 2/- per week (3/ to 5/-) granted.
2 Jas Harris, Tidesman at Framilode increase of 2/- and use of small paddock adjoining Warehouse at Framilode granted, and to cultivate the same during working hours.
3 Men with boat and Lock-keeper White: This matter to be dealt with by the Chairman the Committee recommending for his favourable consideration the settlement on a basis of 25/- a week each man. It was pointed out that these men are essential to the working of the Canal and for the unloading of barges and at present could not be replaced as there were now no other men working at this particular work on the Navigation.
The matter of Mr Jefferies trees at Downfield was again mentioned and it was reported that nothing had been done.

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