Minutes Wed 20 Jun 1917

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Wed 20 Jun 1917


Messrs Shipway’s estimate of £72 19s 10d for timber to replace bottom lock gates at Blunder Lock. Price for elm, 3s per cubic foot, very high. Requested to reduce this if possible.
Mr Jefferies of Ebley request for permission for his troop of boy scouts to bathe in the canal granted, provided proper arrangements made for lads to land and for due protection of banks. Payment of 10s a year, payable in advance.
Weedy condition of Navigation, exceeding difficulty of getting labour needed to keep canal in working order.
Enquiry from Coal Mines Dept requesting quantity of Staffordshire, Forest and South Wales coal passing over canal compared with prewar years. Year ended March 1913 from Staffordshire 4843 tons, Forest of Dean and South Wales 28320 tons, total 33163 tons. Year ended March 1916 from Staffordshire 4000 tons, Forest of Dean and South Wales 25612 tons, total 29612 tons.
Annual Inspection to be made by Mr Whittingham, Mr Stanley Marling, Mr F A Little, Mr E P Little, Mr Margetson.
Tonnage 1 April to 19 June £173 19s 1d, 1916 £156 16s 2d.

Verbatim text

[1917 June] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of June 1917 at 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Edward P Little, W^m Davies, F S Whittingham, A J Morton Ball, F A Little, Philip Jas Evans.
An Estimate bey Messrs Shipway of £72..19..10 for the Timber necessary to replace the Bottom Lock Gates at Blunder Lock was put in and discussed and the Manager was instructed to write Messrs Shipway that the price for Elm (3.- per cube ft) was very high and asked him to reduce this if possible.
The forms necessary for increasing the Company's holding of 5% War Stock to £150..- had been handed to the Treasurer but the certificate had not so far been received.
A letter from Mr Jefferies of Ebley was read requesting permission for his troop of Boy-Scouts to bathe in the Canal. It was decided to grant the request provided proper arrangements were made for the lads to land and for the due protection of the banks to the satisfaction of the Manager and a payment of 10^s/- a year be made. payable in advance.
Reference was made to the weedy condition of the Navigation and the exceeding difficulty of getting the labour needed to keep the Canal in working order.
The Coal Mines Department had made enquiry as to the quantity of Staffordshire, Forest & South Wales coal now passing over the Canal as compared with prewar years and reply had been made showing the figures to be as follows:
Year ended March 1913:
From Staffordshire: 4843
From Forest of Dean and South Wales: 28,320
[Total] 33163 Tons.
Year ended March 1916:
From Staffordshire: 4000
From Forest of Dean and South Wales: 25612
[Total] 29612 Tons.
The annual Inspection would be due before the next Meeting and the following Members of Committee were asked to undertake it between them:
Mr Whittingham, Mr Stanley Marling, Mr F A Little, Mr Margetson.
Tonnage April 1 to June 19 amounted to 173..19..1 as compared with 156..16..2 last year over same period.
Bank Balance stood at 255..7..5 while a year ago it was 245..13..5.

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