Minutes Wed 18 Jul 1917

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Wed 18 Jul 1917


Mr Joseph J Shipway could not reduce price of elm timber given in estimate. Prices had advanced since. Decision to order timber at his price.
Secretary to Ebley Troop of Boy Scouts had written and telephoned accepting Company’s terms and conditions for permission to have bathing place on canal.
Reports on Annual Inspection of canal. Weeding in hand at Ryeford. Labour exceeding difficult to procure. Extra help from Mills during holiday in August. Dredging badly needed at Stonehouse Wharf to Midland Railway Bridge at Ryeford.
Messrs Little & Bloxham to act as Company’s solicitors following Whittingham’s retirement from firm.
Tonnage 17 July £241 19s 11d, 1916 £210 13s 8d.

Verbatim text

[1917 July] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of July 1917 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, F A Little, Edward P Little, W^m Davies, F S Whittingham.
A letter from Mr Joseph Shipway was read in which he said he could not reduce the price for Elm timber given in his Estimate as prices had again advanced since. After discussion it was decided to order the timber at his price.
The Secretary to the Ebley Troop of Boy Scouts had written and telephoned accepting the Company's terms and conditions for permission to have a Bathing Place on the Canal and Mr E P Little undertook to draw up a suitable Agreement for signature by both parties without charge.
Mr Whittingham handed in his report following the Annual Inspection by him of the Canal for the section from Framilode to Eastington Depôt - which was read and the thanks of the Committee were tendered to him for his trouble.
The Clerk reported that weeding was in hand at Ryeford. It was stated that labour was exceedingly difficult to procure but it was hoped to obtain some extra help from the Mills during the prolonged holiday in August. Dredging was badly needed at Stonehouse from the Wharf to Midland Railway Bridge at Ryeford.
The Gloucester Harbour Board had made application for the usual subscription of £3..- and it was ordered to be paid.
It was proposed by Mr Whittingham and seconded by Mr Davies that Messrs Little & Bloxam act as the Company's Solicitors after Mr Whittinghams retirement from that firm.
Tonnage to 17^th July had amounted to 241^£,,19^s..11^d as compared with 210..13..8 to same date in 1916.
Bank credit balance was 314..17..0
last year it was 248..14..0.
The next Meeting was fixed for September 19^th.

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