Wed 19 Sep 1917
Agreement with Mr Jefferies of Ebley re bathing place for Ebley Troop of Boy Scouts.
Canal at Stonehouse weeded again.
Excess Insurance Co. called attention to increased compensation under Act 1917 in cases of accident to employees. No additional charge to cover increased liability.
Lodgemore culvert had given way. To be repaired without delay.
Traffic 1 April to 18 September £354 5s 5d, 1916 £355 3s.
Increase in Mr Snape’s salary by 5s per week and Mr Humphries’ by 2s 6d, provided County Council do same.
[1917 Sept] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th day of September 1917 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, Edward P Little, F A Little, W^m Davies.
The Agreement with Mr Jefferies of Ebley re a bathing place for the Ebley Troop of Boy Scouts had been duly executed.
Mr Snape reported that it had been found needful to weed again the Canal at Stonehouse for some distance but that labour was very difficult to secure.
The Excess Insurance C^o Ltd had written calling attention to the increased compensation under the Act 1917 in cases of accident to Employees but stating that they did not propose to make any additional charge to cover increased liability.
Mr Snape reported that the Lodgemore Culvert had given away and it would be necessary to repair it without delay. He was arranging to attend to this on the next Saturday.
The Traffic April 1^st to September 18^th amounted to £354..5..5 as compared with £355..3..0 for corresponding period in 1916.
The credit balance at Bank stood at £306..0..2 as against £360..5..5 same date last year.
The Committee decided to increase M^r Snape's Salary by 5^s/- per week and M^r Humphries by 2/6 from the 29^th inst, provided that the County Council do the same in both cases.
Ordered that the next Committee Meeting be held on Wednesday the 24^th day of October @ 3.30pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting on the same day @ 4 o'clock pm.