Minutes Wed 21 Nov 1917

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Wed 21 Nov 1917


Agreement with Messrs Vowles & Sons of Stonehouse.
Mr Snape met District Surveyor at Eastington Bridge. Acting County Surveyor arranging temporary repairs to surface of road there with tar patching.
Considerable dredging necessary at Stonehouse Bridge.
Men lent by Army authorities doing good work. Earning satisfactory wages.
Application for rise in wages by workmen. Decision to increase White and G Merrett to 28s per week, J Merrett to 21s, Hutchings to 35s.
Tonnage to 20 November £104 16s 6d, 1916 £108 15s 8d.

Verbatim text

[1917 Nov] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of November 1917 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: A J Morton Ball, W R Bloxam, Philip Jas Evans, F A Little, W^m Davies, Edward P Little, S S Marling.
The Minutes of the last Meeting were read & confirmed.
Correspondence with Messrs Vowles & Sons of Stonehouse was read and the Draft Agreement with them was gone through and approved. The Clerk was instructed to inform them that they would have to bear the whole of the costs incurred.
The District Surveyor had met with Mr Snape at Eastington Bridge and the Acting County Surveyor has written that he was arranging for temporary repairs to the surface of the Road there to be carried out with tar patching as the work could not be done in its entirety at present.
Considerable dredging was stated to be necessary at Stonehouse Bridge and it was directed that this should be effected at the earliest opportunity.
The men lent by the Army Authorities were reported to be doing good work and earning satisfactory wages.
Application for rise in wages was put in by the workmen and considered - the Chairman stating what had been done by the Thames and Severn Canal Committee under similar circumstances and it was decided to increase White and G Merrett to 28^s/- per week - J Merrett to 21^s/ and Hitchings to 35/-.
Tonnage to November 20^th was 104..16..6 compared with 108..15..8 last year.
Bank balance to credit stood at 263..5..0 against 199..10..1 same time last year.

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