Wed 19 Dec 1917
Messrs Vowles & Sons to bear whole cost of agreement.
Application for increase in salary from Mr Fredericks, joint toll clerk at junction of canal with G&B Canal at Saul. Sharpness New Docks Co to increase his salary by 5s a week, 20s to 25s with 10s per week paid by Company, making his salary 35s per week.
Mr Harris, chief toll clerk of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal telephoned to say he thought payment would be made by Government of Bonus to Owners of Barges & Boats to meet extra demands by the Captains. No owner of less than ten boats recognised but smaller owners could join together. Official stationed at Gloucester Docks Office for inquiries. General Manager in office Wednesday morning and would speak to Chairman.
Attending a meeting of Canal Control Committee in London on Tuesday.
Tonnage 1 October to 18 December £165 8s, 1916 £184 15s 2d.
[1917 Dec] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th day of December 1917 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Edward P Littel, W R Bloxam, W^m Davies.
The Clerk reported that Messrs Vowles & Sons having agreed to bear the whole of the cost of the agreement the draft of which had been sent to them for approval.
An application for increase in Salary had been received from M^r Fredericks the joint toll clerk at the Junction of this Canal with the Gloucester and Berkeley at Saul. The Chairman having had correspondence with Mr Lewis General Manager of the Gloucester Dock C^o it was agreed that the application be left to the Chairman to deal with. The Sharpness New Docks C^o had increased his Salary by 5/- a week - 20^s/- to 25^s/- which together with the 10^s/- per week paid to him by this Company makes his Salary to 35/- per week.
The Clerk produced Statement of A/cs and Balance Sheet of the Thames and Severn Canal for the year ended Sept 1917. The amount of tolls received by this Company in respect of through traffic over the Stroudwater Navigation to and from the Thames and Severn Canal for the year ending 30^th September 1917 will now be ascertained in compliance with Section 43 of the Thames & Severn Canal Act 1895.
Mr Harris the Chief Toll Clerk of the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal had telephoned to say that he thought something would be done in the way of payment by the Government of Bonus to Owners of Barges and Boats to meet extra demands by the Captains. No owner of less than ten boats would be recognized but smaller owners could join together. There was to be an official stationed at the Gloucester Docks Office where inquiries could be made. The General Manager hoped to be at the Office on Wednesday morning and would speak to the Chairman he was attending a meeting of the Canal Control Committee in London on Tuesday. M^r Lewis had promised the Chairman to send the necessary forms to obtain the above grants.
Tonnage: £ s d
October 1^st to Decembe 18^th amounted to 165..8..0 as compared with 184..15..2 last year over same period.
Bank Balance stood at 305..2..7 while a year ago it was 268..8..7.