Wed 18 Dec 1918
Mr Snape had arranged with Messrs Workman to find one man to assist with necessary repairs to wall at Ryeford.
Chairman read extracts from second report of Royal Comission on Transport on Waterways of Kingdom. Probability of being taken in hand by Government in near future.
Messrs Rowbotham to pay 1s 6d per load of ashes hauled over Company’s property from Lodgemore Mills and to repair any damage to surface of wharf.
False decking of Gas House Bridge renewed. In course of work Hy Stephens, carpenter’s assistant, suffered disabling accident. Insurance Co notified.
Stroud Gas Co complained of rate for coke to Frampton being raised from 5d, special rate for boats returning otherwise empty, to 7¾d per ton. Charge made 6d per ton.
Application from Wm Timbrell to rent canal wharf house at Dudbridge. Manager to arrange.
Mr I J Bassett allowed to rent 50 sq yards on Stonehouse Wharf which he formerly held at £3 p.a.
Tonnage £169 9s, 1917 £164 5s 9d.
[1918 Dec] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of December 1918 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Edward P Little, F A Little, W R Bloxam, Philip Jas Evans.
Mr Snape reported that he had arranged for Messrs Workman to find one man to assist and the necessary repairs to the wall at Ryeford were being carried out.
The Chairman read extracts from the second report of the Royal Commission on Transport bearing on the Waterways of the Kingdom and the probability of their being taken in hand by Government in the near future.
Messrs Rowbotham had agreed to pay 1^s/6^d per load of ashes hauled over the Companys property from Lodgemore Mills and to repair any damage to the surface of Wharf.
The false decking of the Gashouse Bridge was renewed and in the course of the work Hy Stephens, Carpenter's Assistant had suffered a disabling accident. The Insurance Coy had been duly notified.
The Stroud Gas C^oy had complained of the rate for Coke to Frampton being raised from 5^d (which was a special rate on boats returning that would otherwise be empty) to 7½^d per Ton. Under the circumstances it was decided to make the charge 6^d per Ton.
An application from W Timbrell to rent the Canal Wharf-house at Dudbridge was considered and it was left in the Managers hands to arrange.
Mr I J Bassett was wishful to rent 50 sq yards on Stonehouse Wharf which he had formerly held and it was agreed to let him the same for £3..0..0 a year.
The Tonnage amounted to £169..9..0 to date against £164..5..9 same period in 1917.
Bank credit balance was £153..18..10 compared with £315..2..4 at same date last year.