Minutes Wed 21 May 1919

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Wed 21 May 1919


Tidesman at Framilode, Private Pockett, received notice withdrawing him from Company’s service. Mr Preston, Chairman of Canal Committee, in communication with War Office.
Severn Fishery Board agreed to rent fishing rights at reduced charge of 10s for year ending 31 December.
Planking of bottom gates at the Pike Lock at Eastington requires renewal. 2 inch planking, larch, to be obtained.
Mr Colin Lambert’s application for stables and warehouse at Wallbridge to be transferred to him. Clerk to offer him premises at £7 p.a. rent and ascertain whether it was his intention to trade on canal.
Letters from Rowley Regis Granite Quarries Co. about need of an extra horse to pull their boats up the canal. Clerk to enquire extent of proposed trade and the wharves at which stone is to be discharged.
Notice received from Stroud Electric Supply Co referring to proposed power station to be erected on site near canal at Dudbridge. Position of intended buildings not shown on the plans.
Mr Sibly’s application for reduction in charge for use of canal for pleasure boats not granted.
Tonnage £99 1s 9d, 1918 £113 14s 8d.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of May 1919 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Edward P Little, Jack Margetson, W^m Davies, W R Bloxam, F A Little, S S Marling.
In the abisence of the Chairman Mr E P Little was called to the chair.
The Minutes of the last four Meetings were read and confirmed.
The Clerk reported that:
1 The Tidesman at Framilode (Private Pockett) had received notice withdrawing him from the Company's service. Mr Preston, Chairman of the Canal Control Committee was in communication with the War Office on the matter.
2 The Severn Fishery Board had agreed to rent the fishing rights as the reduced charge of £10..- for the year ending 31^st December next.
3 The planking of the bottom gates at the Pike Lock at Eastington required renewal. Ordered the necessary 2" planking, larch, to be obtained as it will last out the life of the present gates.
Mr Colin Lambert's application for the Stables and Warehouse at Wallbridge to be transferred to him was considered and the Clerk was instructed to offer him the premises at £7 a year rent and to ascertain whether it was his intention to trade on the Canal.
Letters from the Rowley Regis Granite Quarries C^o Ltd were put in stating the need for an extra horse to pull their boats up the Canal. The Clerk was instructed to enquire the extent of the proposed trade and the Wharves at which the stone is to be discharged.
A circular Notice received from the Stroud Electric Supply Co Ltd referring to a proposed Power Station to be erected on a site near to the Canal at Dudbridge was discussed.
The Clerk was directed to ascertain the position of the intended buildings which were not shown on the plan.
Mr Sibly's application for a reduction in the charge for use of Canal for pleasure boats was not granted. The Committee instructed the Clerk to see Mr Sibly on the matter.
The Tonnage amounted to £99..1..9 to date against £113..14..8 same period in 1918.
Bank credit balance was £136..2..3 compared with £295..9..11 same period in 1918.

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