Minutes Wed 18 Jun 1919

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Wed 18 Jun 1919


Mr Pockett to remain in Company’s service.
Mr Colin Lambert took on stables rented by Charles Lambert. Rent increase £5 to £7 per annum.
Rowley Regis Stone Co found difficulties as to haulage. Mr Snape to do all possible to ensure continuance of traffic for road repair.
Further correspondence with Mr Sibly. Committee offered to allow him to use canal to the Junction for five boats going through the locks together. Charge only 20s for going and returning on condition he arranges for Eastington lock keeper to take charge.
Balance poles fixed to outside bottom gate at the Pike Lock and at inside bottom gate at the Dock Lock.
Head of inside top gate at Westfield Lock dangerous. New piece prepared and fixed during stoppage of three or four days 21 June – 24 June. Heel of inside bottom gate fractured below iron collar. Timber for repair ordered.
Liability for Income Tax on tolls left to Mr Bloxam to deal with.
Stroud Gas Co applied for permission to deposit ashes on land next to terminus of canal at Wallbridge.
Traffic £159 6s 6d, 1918 £183 6s 3d, 1914 £216 15s 1d.

Verbatim text

[1919 June] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of June 1919 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Edward P Little, W^m Davies, F A Little, W R Bloxam. Philip Jas Evans.
The minutes of the last Meeting were read confirmed.
Further correspondence with the Canal Control Committee was read in which it was considered that R Pockett should be retained in the Company's service.
Mr Colin Lambert had agreed to take on the Stables hitherto rented by Mr Charles Lambert. Rent to be increased from £5 to £7 per annum.
The Rowley Regis Stone C^o had found difficulties as to haulage and Mr Snape was instructed to do all possible to ensure the continuance of the Traffic for Road Repair.
Further correspondence with Mr Sibly had taken place and the Committee agreed to meet his wished as far as possible by allowing him to use the Canal to the Junction for five boats going through the Locks together and charge only 20/- for the going and returning on condition that he arranged for the Eastington Lock-keeper to take charge and that they should satisfy him.
A balance pole had been fixed to outside bottom gate at the Pike Lock and at inside bottom gate at the Dock Lock.
The head of the inside tope gate at Westfield Lock had become dangerous - a new piece would be prepared and fixed during a stoppage of 3 or 4 days 21^st June to 24^th June and the heel of inside bottom gate was fractured below the Iron Collar and timber had been ordered with which to repair same.
The question of liability for Income Tax on Tolls was brought up and it was left to Mr Bloxam to deal with and to reply to Mr Dudbridge's letter on the subject.
The Stroud Gas C^o had applied for permission to deposit ashes on the land next to the terminus of the Canal at Wallbridge and this was agreed to.
The Traffic figured at £159..6..6 only as against £183..6..3 for corresponding period in last year and £216..15..1 in 1914.
The Bank balance was £132..14..7 to the credit compared with £241..17..2 last year at same date and £316..12..5 in 1914.

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