Minutes Thu 18 Oct 1832

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Thu 18 Oct 1832


Duties of wharfingers at Stonehouse Cross Wharf, Dudbridge and Wallbridge Wharfs, to cease.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge on Thursday the 18^th Day of October 1832
Present: M^R S Fisher, M^R P H Fisher, M^r Cosham, M^R Wyatt, M^R Jos Fisher, D^r Darke, M^r Croome.
Examined the Books & Accounts of the Company.
Ordered that M^r Richard Miller be paid the Sum of Two Guineas charged by him for his trouble and attendance in the matter of M^r John George.
Ordered that the duties of the Warfinger at Stonehouse Cross Wharf, Dudbridge & Walbridge Wharfs (which constituted them Bookkeepers or Clerks to this Company) do cease; and that our Clerk do give notice to the Surveyor of Taxes of such alteration - that we may be no longer charged with the Tax on them as Clerks to us.

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