Sun 16 Nov 1941
Committee accepted Ministry of Supply offer of £150 p.a. for supply of water to Hoffman Gloucester Ltd at Stonehouse.
Clerk to ask for plan of two huts, and proposed water tower and lavatories, being erected on Dudbridge Wharf by Stroud Urban District Council.
Sanitary Inspector of Stroud Rural District Council had written to tell the Committee that they intended removing the iron railings between Ryeford and the Double Locks. Committee to appeal.
Mr Hopson to be paid £78 15s 11d for making dam at Framilode.
Roadway over Nutshell Bridge repaired.
[Nov 16/41] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 16^th day of November 1941 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, G W Morton Ball, G A Evans.
There being only four Members of the Committee present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Gashouse Bridge: Messrs Mowley & Coy, Damage
A letter from Messrs Mowlem of the 16^th November was read stating that the repairs were nearly complete but the Surveyor reported that an inspection yesterday did not confirm this.
Hoffman Gloucester Ltd, Stonehouse, Pipe to the Canal
A letter from the Ministry of Supply, Bristol, was discussed and in view of the further information contained therein the Committee agreed to accept £150:- rent per annum subject to the Company's usual water Agreement being signed, to be prepared by the Company's Solicitors at the cost of Messrs Hoffman. The Chairman undertook to settle a letter for the Clerk to send to the Ministry of Supply.
Severn Fishery Board: Weeding the Canal
In accordance with Minute of last Meeting a letter had been written to the Fishery Board, their reply thereto was read. The Committee directed that the Board be informed that if they could, as they suggest, arrange for the periodical clearing of the different part of the Canal the Navigation was prepare to meet the Board on the question of rent by making an abatement at the end of each half year based on the length of Canal cleared.
Stonehouse Wharf, Mr J J Joyner's application to purchase
The Committee directed that Mr Joyner's application should lie on the table.
Dudbridge Wharfhouse, Mrs Shipton
The Clerk reported that he had seem Mrs Shipton, and it appeared, that the notice given by her was only provisional. It had been pointed out to her that the notice was not in accordance with the conditions of her Agreement with the Company.
Dudbridge Wharfhouse, Mr Wiggall
An application by Mr Wiggall to rent the premises was produced.
Dudbridge Wharf & Premises, Stroud U D Council Requisition
A letter from the tenants Messrs Jackson & Coy Ltd of Coventry, was read, stating that they are not claiming compensation and suggested that the Stroud Council take over direct from the Company. The Council had informed the Company that the requisitioning notice referred only to the Wharf. In view of Messrs Jackson's lease, the Committee decided to take no action, and to leave over the completion of the claim for compensation for the time being. The Clerk reported that the Council had commenced the erection of two huts. The Committee directed the Clerk to ask the Council for a site plan showing thereon the two huts, and the proposed lavatories and water Tower.
Saul Bridge, Messr~s Pickford#s Damage re South Gloucestershire Internal Drainage Board
A letter settled by the Chairman had been sent to the South Gloucestershire Internal Drainage Board which had been acknowledged by the Board by telephone, and in accordance with their suggestion they had been supplied with a statement of the cost £28..19..10 of the repair of the damage, their reply to this communication was read. After discussion the Chairman undertook to settle a reply.
Stroud Gas Company, Water pipe
The Chairman stated that the Agreement with the Gas Company had been completed.
Stroud Rural District Council & Iron railings Ryeford to the Double Locks
The Sanitary Inspector of the Stroud R D Council had written a letter under date 17^th October last in which he stated that it was the intention of the Council to remove certain railings, the Clerk had replied asking for a meeting on the spot. The Inspector had nor replied. To safeguard the Navigation the Committee directed that the Council be given notice of the Navigations intention to appeal against the removal of any railings belonging to the Company.
Framilode Dam - Pumping _ Gloucester Fire Brigade
A letter from the Column Officer was read stating that he had been instructed to accept £7..10..0 in settlement to dispose of the matter. After discussion the Committee in view of the Brigades letter of the 8^th October last, decided to confirm the Navigations offer, £5..5..0, made to the Brigade on the 16^th October last, the Officer to be so informed, and to state that on hearing from him that he had obtained instructions to accept the amount offered a Cheque would be sent to him at once. The Chairman undertook to settle the letter.
Framilode Dam, Mr Hopson' A/c
The Committee examined M^r Hopson's A/c amounting to £78..15..11 and passed the same for payment.
Nutshell Bridge, Repair of roadway
The Clerk reported the repair of the roadway over this bridge. The Material had cost £1..8..6, the Company's men had carried out the work.
Stock, Sale
Resolved that £200 of 3½% War Stock be sold.
July 1^st 1941 to November 19^th 1941: nil
July 1^st 1940 to November 19^th 1940: 10..5..6
Including Charges for moorage.
The Charges for Moorage July 1^st 1941 to Nov 19 1941: 13..17..6.
Cash A/c
November 16 1941 Overdrawn: 90..16..2
November 16 1940 In credit: 83..10..7.
Cheque drawn:
P G Snape
Committee Expenses: 1..12..6
Office Telephone: 2..17..2
Rates, Lockhouse at Dudbridge: 2..8..3
[Total] £6..18..0