Minutes Wed 18 Nov 1942

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Wed 18 Nov 1942


W C Miles appointed lockkeeper at Eastington.
Mowlem & Co to be charged £15 6s 5d for repairs to Gashouse Bridge and canal bank at Downfield.

Verbatim text

[1942 Nov] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of November 1942 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, C W Morton Ball, G A Evans, R J C Little.
Minutes of last Meeting were read and confirmed.
Lockkeeper at Eastington, W C Miles
Reported that a letter had been written to W C Miles under date the 27^th October last setting out the Company's terms and conditions. He had called at the Office at Wallbridge and verbally accepted the post of Lockkeeper on those terms.
Property at Framilode, Water Supply
M^r Hopson's £20 estimate was considered. The Clerk was instructed to obtain an estimate from Messrs Marchant & Lusty.
Wharf House at Wallbridge, Wall, Cheltenham Original Brewery Coy Ltd
There was nothing to report.
Lockhouse at Dudbridge, Chimneys and WC
Reported that M^r Hopson had not yet repaired the chimneys. His approximate estimate £32..17..6 for the provision of a WC was discussed. The Clerk had seen Mr Gibbons but he was not prepared to give a fixed price. The Clerk was instructed to obtain other estimates.
Lockhouse at Dudbridge, Repairs carried out by Lockkeeper Wiggall
Receipted accounts were submitted amounting in all to £26.16..11. After discussion the Committee directed that Lockkeeper Wiggall be offered £15 towards the expenses he had incurred in carrying out the work.
Gashouse Bridge and Canal Bank at Downfield, Messrs Mowlem & Coy
The Clerk was instructed that a reply be sent to Messrs Mowlem that the £15..6..5 account is final as there does not appear to be further work to be carried out.
_Cash Account at Lloyds Bank Ltd, Stroud_ £ s d
November 18^th 1942 In credit: 129..0..0
November 18^th 1941 Overdrawn: 90..16..2.
July 1^st 1942 to November 18^th 1942: nil
July 1^st 1941 to November 18^th 1941: nil.
_Moorage & Entrance Fees at Saul_ £ s d
July 1^st 1942 to November 18^rh 1942: 12..3..0
July 1^st 1941 to November 18^th 1941: 13..18..0.
_Cheques drawn_
_P G Snape_ £ s d
Committee Expenses: 1..12...6
Stroud Gas Coy, Gas: 1..11
James & Owen, Stationery: 9..1
[Subtotal] 2..3..6
_Haines & Sumner Fidelity Assurance_: 0..10..0
_Stroud Urban District Council_ £ s d
Rates, Wallbridge Office: 12..7..6
Rates Lockhouse at Dudbridge, Water Rate, Wharf House at Dudbridge: 3..5..5 [Subtotal] 15..12..11
_J F Hopson_, Repairs, Saul Bridge: 20..18..6
Property at Framilode: 44..11..7 [Subtotal] 65..10..1
[Total] £83..16..6

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