Minutes Wed 26 Jul 1944

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Wed 26 Jul 1944


Telephone installed in Dudbridge Lock House.

Verbatim text

[1944 July] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 26^th day of July 1944 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, G W Morton Ball, G A Evans, R J C Little.
There being only four Members of the Committee present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Stroud Electric Supply C^oy Ltd, Agreement re Cable across the Canal at Downfield
Reported that the Agreement had been signed dated August 1^st next. The Electric Company had paid the costs of the Agreement and the first years rent £2..0..0 due August 1^st 1944.
Eastington Wharf Gates, Damage, M^r C Beresford
The Chairman stated that proceeding shad been instituted in the County Court against Mr C Beresford.
Leicester Lovell & Coy Ltd, re Water Pipe across the Canal next Ebley Mills.
It was reported that Messrs Leicester Lovell had agreed to the Company's terms and conditions as set out in Minute of May 17^th last.
Stroud Sanitary Laundry C^oy, re State of Canal
In accordance with Minute of last Meeting a letter had been written to the Laundry Company. They had not replied.
Stroud and District Joint Planning Committee, re Canal
In accordance with Minute of last Meeting a letter had been written to the Planning Committee, the Chairman read their reply. After discussion the Committee directed that the matter should stand over.
Ebley Pound, Water Supply, Ebley Mill Pond and Ebley Pound
The Chairman read a letter from Messrs Penley and Milward the Solicitors for Messrs Marling & Evans respecting the Canal Company taking water from the Frome and Mill Pond at Ebley and suggesting an agreement. After discussion the Committee thought that in view of the friendly agreement made between the two companies for the adjustment of the levels, and of the provisions provided in the Canal Companies Act of Parliament relating to the taking of water from the Frome a formal Agreement was unnecessary.
Ebley Mill Pond, Mill Pond Permanent Weir
The Clerk reported that in accordance with Minute of last Meeting boards had been placed on the Weir. M^r Hopson had provided the materials and labour and carried out the work.
Lockhouse at Dudbridge, Telephone
The Clerk reported that the telephone had been installed at the lockhouse. The Committee suggested that Wiggall the lockkeeper should pay for any private calls and that the Clerk should see him on the matter.
Lockhouse at Dudbridge, Defence Work Reinstatement
The Committee directed that no claim for compensation be made.
Ryeford Saw Mills Coy, Water Supply
The Chairman read a letter from the
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Minute continued on p.267 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/8199/

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