Minutes Thu 29 Jul 1920

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Thu 29 Jul 1920


Mr Preston did not think it any use to ask for extra cost of dredging canal.
Repair of swing bridge at Stonehouse £61 12s 2d. Messrs Vowles & Sons to pay half, asking for estimate of any future expenditure.
Mr Sibly application to construct a bathing pool close by and open to canal at Stonehouse agreed. Rent increased to 25s a year.
Correspondence with Ministry of Transport discussed the future of the Navigation after cessation of control on 31 August. Decision to apply to take possession of undertaking with view to obtaining sanction to raising later tolls and charges. Chairman to communicate by phone with Mr Manning Lewis who was in London dealing with whole question on behalf of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal.
Re-appointment of present Committee, including Mr Jack Margetson, membership lapsed.
Mr Hopson applied to place a Mortar Mill outside warehouse he rented.
Messrs Hoole & Price granted permission to ride bicycles on towing path in going to fish in canal. 2s 6d a year.

Verbatim text

[July 29 1920] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 29^th day of July 1920 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Edward P Little, S S Marling, W R Bloxam, R J C Little, W^m Davies, Philip Jas Evans, F A Little.
The Chairman reported that Mr Preston had written that he did not think it was any use at all to ask for the extra cost of thoroughly dredging the Canal.
The Swing Bridge at Stonehouse had been repaired at a cost of £61..12..2 and Messrs Vowles & Sons had written agreeing to pay half of this but asking that any future expenditure for repairs they should be furnished with an Estimate of the cost before entering on the work.
Mr Sibly had applied for liberty to construct a bathing pool close by and open to the Canal at Stonehouse. It was agreed to accede to this, the work to be done to the satisfaction of Mr Snape and the rent to be increased to 25/- a year.
Correspondence with the Ministry of Transport was put in and fully discussed respecting the future of the Navigation after the cessation of the control on the 31^st August and it was decided to apply to the Ministry of Transport to take possession of the undertaking with a view to obtaining sanction to raising the rates tolls and charges. The Chairman undertook before sending on this unconditional application to communicate by phone with Mr Manning Lewis on his return that evening from London where he was at that time dealing with the whole question on behalf of the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal and to be guided by his action and advice.
The Canal A/cs were gone into and it was decided to recommend a Dividend of £1 per share less Income Tax,
The Committee agreed to recommend the re-appointment of the present members including Mr Jack Margetson whose membership had lapsed.
Mr Hopson had applied for liberty to place a Mortar Mill outside the Warehouse rented by him and the Chairman undertook to see him on the subject.
Messrs Hook & Prices had asked permission to ride bicycles on the towing path in going to fish in the Canal which was given on condition that they paid 2/6 a year each.
Tonnage to July 28 was £249..14..0 comparing with £223..17..9 last year and £328..9..4 in 1914.
Bank balance was £306..9..5 to credit against £113..16..8 in 1919 and £366..8..10 in 1914.

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