Minutes Wed 8 Sep 1920

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Wed 8 Sep 1920


Mr Sibly to pay increased rent of 25s per annum if desired bathing pool constructed to satisfaction of surveyor.
Mr Hopson allowed to erect Mortar Mill outside warehouse with a gas engine to drive same. £2 2s a year extra rent from 24 June last and extra Fire Insurance Premium increase. To occupy no more ground than at present.
Application 30 July for Ministry of Transport to take over whole of undertaking under Ministry of Transport Act 1919 with view to obtaining sanction to an increase in rates and charges. Formal notice 13 August 1920 to take possession on and from 4 September 1920 of Stroudwater Navigation.
Each canal company to give 14 days’ notice of increases. If, during interregnum, receipts of canals do not meet working expenses, Minister prepared to consider applications for assistance to a limited extent.
Further notice 4 September 1920 confirming notification on 3 August. Sealed Direction that on and from 20 September 1920 tolls, dues, and charges in operation 31 July should be increased by 150%. Ministry of Transport telegraphed increase on 4 September. Published in the ‘Citizen’ 7 September.
Committee to meet 20 September to consider increase in charges for easements, quit rents, etc.
Agreement with Mrs Penn as to premises at Stonehouse.

Verbatim text

[Sept 1920] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 8^th day of September 1920 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, F A Little, W^m Davies, Edward P Little, R J C Little.
Mr Sibly had written agreeing to the proposal to charge him an increased rent of 25/- per annum if the desired bathing pool is constructed to the satisfaction of our Surveyor.
The Chairman reported that he had me M^r Hopson and arranged to allow him to erect Mortar Mill outside the Warehouse rented by him and to put in a Gas Engines to drive same. M^r Hopson to pay £2..2..0 a year extra rent as from 24 June last & any extra Fire Insurance Premium that may be increased in consequence, he undertaking to occupy no more ground than at present.
Application had been made on the 30^th July for the whole of the undertaking to be taken possession of by the Minister of Transport under the Ministry of Transport Act 1919 with a view to obtaining sanction to an increase in its rates, tolls and charges.
The Ministry of Transport had given formal notice dated 3^rd August 1920 of their intention in pursuance of the powers contained in the Ministry of Transport Act 1919 and with the concurrence of the Navigation to take possession, on and from the 4^th day of Sept 1920. of the Stroudwater Navigation and thot on and from that date the powers of the Ministry of Transport under the said Act would become exercisable by him.
It will be necessary for each Canal Company to five 14 days notice of these increased and an intimation has already been made that if, during the interregnum, the receipts of the Canals do not meet working expenses the Minister would be prepared to consider applications for assistance to this limited extent, on 27^th August.
The Minister of Transport was informed that the Revenue A/c for the Half Year ended 30^th June had showed a loss of £312..18..10 for that period and as the figures are now no more favourable there will be a loss of about £12 a week from the 31^St August until such date as any increased tolls and charges can come into force, and therefore it was necessary to make formal application for financial assistance on that basis.
A further notice dated Sept 4 1920 had been received on Sept 7 confirming the notification of August 3 and giving a sealed Direction to the effect that on and from the 20^th September 1920 the tolls, dues and charges in operation 31^st July last should be increased by 150 per cent and if the increased charges included a fraction of one penny then the fraction under one half penny was not to be charged but if one halfpenny or more must be charged as one penny.
The Ministry of Transport also telegraphed on 4^th September that tolls dues and charges were to be increased as above and that they should be published forthwith - which has been done by notice in the "Citizen" of the 7^th September.
A proposal to considerably increase the charges for easements quit rents etc was discussed and it was decided to call the Committee together on Monday the 20^th inst to further consider this question.
The Agreement with Mrs Penn as to premises at Stonehouse was duly sealed and attested.
The traffic to date amounted to £361..2..8 comparing with £316..12..1 in 1919.
Credit balance at Bank was £118..14..9 against £77.19..1 in 1919 at same date.

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