Minutes Wed 26 Jan 1921

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Wed 26 Jan 1921


Abdella Mitchell & Co. Ltd agreed to pay £5 toward cost of renewing crane chain at Dudbridge Wharf.
Any fresh agreement with Mr Hopson to have plan showing space he might occupy and be at Hopson’s expense.
Repairing or renewing Gas House Bridge considered but adjourned.
Manager of Stroud Sanitary Laundry protested at increased charge for water. £25 to be demanded.
Messrs Winterbotham Strachan & Playne given permission to deposit ashes on the lower part of wharf at Wallbridge for £5 p.a.
Messrs Smith Rogers & Co willing to pay £7 10s a year for water supply. Charge not less than £10 of which notice was given.
Minute continued on page 39.

Verbatim text

[Jany 1921] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 26^th day of January 1921 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Edward P Little, Jack Margetson, W R Bloxam, Philip Jas Evans, W^m Davies.
The Clerk reported that:-
1 Messrs Abdella Mitchell & C^o Ltd had agreed to pay the proposed £5..- toward the cost of renewing Crane chain at Dudbridge Wharf.
2 No further communication has been received from Messrs A O Ward & C^o re sewage pipe at Stonehouse.
3 Mr Hopson had said nothing further re Agreement respecting the premises on Wallbridge Wharf.
The Committee resolved that any fresh Agreement should have on it a plan showing the space he might occupy and that it must be at Mr Hopsons expense.
The question of repairing or renewing of the Gas House Bridge was considered but adjourned till next Meeting.
The Manager of the Stroud Sanitary Laundry had written again protesting at the increased charge for water but it was decided to stand by the £25..- per annum demanded.
Messrs Winterbotham Strachan & Playne had requested permission to deposit Ashes on the lower part of the Wharf at Wallbridge and it was resolved to allow this for a time at a charge of £5 a year.
Messrs Smith Rogers & C^o had written that they were willing to pay £7..10..0 a year for
To page 39


Minute continued on page 39

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