Wed 16 Feb 1921
Death of Mr A J Morton Ball. Resolution expressing regret and offering sincere condolences to his family.
Urban District Council decided not to undertake any part of expense of repairing or renewing swing bridge at Downfield. Committee to enquire into possible liability of Council and others interested.
No reply from laundry at Ebley or Messrs Smith Rogers & Co re increases in charge for water easements.
Stroud Housing Contractors applied for space on Lower Wharf at Wallbridge for blockmaking. To be charged 1s 6d per sq yard per annum for portion occupied from 7 January. Six months notice on either side.
Increase of charges to General Post Office for telephone poles, stays, etc, discussed. Decision to inform Department that Ministry of Transport had directed Company to increase tolls, etc, by 150% to meet increased expenses. Wayleaved to be increased accordingly.
Ministry of Transport requested copy of Canal Accounts ‘for information’.
Mr Hopson to reduce area occupied by him in front of warehouse from 93 sq yards to 66 sq yards on which to erect a shed for his scaffold poles. Wish to extend land for the Mortar Mill at the rear by 27 sq yards sanctioned. He agreed to pay cost.
[Feby 1921] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 16^th day of February 1921 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Edward P Little, W R Bloxam, W^m Davies, F A Little, S S Marling, Philip Jas Evans.
[23 years] Before commencement of business the Chairman rose and referred to the loss sustained by the Committee in the death of Mr A J Morton Ball who had served on the Board for 38 years. He suggested that a resolution be passed expressing their regret and high appreciation which was done and he was deputed to convey to the family of their late colleague the sincere condolences of the Committee.
A letter was read from the Clerk to the Urban District Council in which he said that Council had decided not to undertake any part of the expense of either repairing or renewing the Swing Bridge at Downfield and the matter was adjourned till the next meeting of Committee in order to make enquiry as to the possible liability of the Council and others interested.
No reply had been received from either the Laundry at Ebley or Messrs Smith Rogers & C^o to the letters sent them re the increases in charge for water easements.
The Stroud Housing Contractors had applied for space on the "Lower Wharf" at Wallbridge for purpose of Block-making and had agreed to pay 1/6 per sq yard per annum for portion occupied as from 7^th inst, subject to six months notice on either side and this was confirmed an agreement to be prepared accordingly.
The question of increasing the charges to the General Post Office for Telephone poles, stays, etc, was gone into and it was decided to approach the Department informing them that the Ministry of Transport had directed the Company to increase the Tolls, etc, by 150% to meet increased expenses and that on that account it was proposed to increase the Rental of the Wayleaves accordingly.
A letter from the Minister of Transport had been received requesting that a copy of the Canal Accounts might be forwarded "for information" and it was decided that this should be done.
Mr Hopson had intimated that he was prepared to reduce the area now occupied by him in front of the Warehouse from 93 sq yards to 66 sq yards on which he proposed to erect a shed for his scaffold poles but he would like to extend the land for the Mortar Mill at the rear by 27 sq yard which was sanctioned.
He agreed to pay cost of new Agreement.
The Tonnage had shown a very notable increase amounting to £250..10 6 since 1^st January comparing with only £41..6..2 from same period in 1920 and £144..2..8 in 1914.
The Credit Balance at Bank stood at £570..1..9 against £328..10..3 last year and £453..7..10 in 1914.