Wed 16 Mar 1921
Question of Gas House Bridge adjourned till next meeting.
Stroud Housing Contractors to be charged 1s per sq yard per annum for say 300 yards. Agreement with Mr S Hopson to stand.
Letters from D & W Addy and John Ritchings regarding transfer of Wharf Room to latter. Same rate, 1s 6d per sq yard per annum for additional space.
Manager to do necessary repairs at the Double Locks. Ordering of timber for stop planks left till next meeting.
Agreement with Post Master General as to new telephone charges
[March 1921] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 16^th day of March 1921 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, W^m Davies, S S Marling, R J C Little, W R Bloxam.
The question of the Gas House Bridge was brought up but was again adjourned till next Meeting of Committee.
Correspondence with the Stroud Housing Contractors was read and it was decided to charge 1/- per sq yard per annum for say 300 yards.
The subject of Wayleaves for telephones was gone into but adjourned to enable enquiry to be made as to what other Canal are doing in the matter.
It was decided that the Agreement with Mr S Hopson must stand as drawn.
A Cheque was ordered to be drawn for the Loan of £32 from the Ministry of Transport adding interest to date.
Letters from Dr W Addy and John Ritchings were considered and it was agreed to allow the desired transfer of Wharf Room to the latter on condition that he pay the same rate viz: 1/6 per sq yard per annum for the additional space he requires.
The Manager was instructed to do the immediately necessary repairs at the Double Locks and leave the ordering of the timber for stop planks till the next Meeting of Committee.
It was decided to sign the Agreement with Postmaster General as to new Telephone charges.
A Cheque for the £150..- contribution in regard to the Thames & Severn Canal was signed.
The Tonnage was reported as £361..0..0 to date as compared with 192..19..6 last year at same time and 207..8..4 in 1914.
Credit balance at bank stands at £573..9..2 as against 179..2..2 last year and 378..7..6 in 1914.