Wed 20 Apr 1921
Mr Sidney Preston announced discontinuance of Canal Control Committee on 31 March. Chairman’s reply.
Should Gas House Bridge be renewed altogether on stronger and up to date lines or only repaired? No help from Stroud Urban District Council. Decision to repair existing bridge merely.
Neighbouring Canal Authorities not insisting on increased wayleaves for telephone post etc. Committee should not increase rates.
Mr Richings to pay 1s 6d per sq yard per annum for additional 20 sq yards on wharf at Stonehouse.
Decision to do without new stop planks, cost £22.
By stopping the canal for five days, repairs at Newtown Lock could be carried out.
Because of coal strike little use made of canal just now.
Chairman and Mr Snape attended meeting at Gloucester convened by Mr Manning Lewis at request of Dockers’ Union to discuss hours and wages. Nothing agreed.
Repairs to Ryeford Double Locks’ gates and paddles sanctioned.
Piling and sheeting of canal bank against River in Framilode pound for about 60 feet had given way. Men engaged on work since completion of repair of Walk Bridge about 14 days. Weight of bank had drawn land ties. Sheeting and piles fell outwards into the River. Ties and some piles being replaced and made longer.
Mr Dudbridge explained accounts agreed to by Price Waterhouse & Co, auditors for Government.
[April 1921] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on the 20^th day of April 1921 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, Edward P Little, W^m Davies, W R Bloxam, Jack Margetson, S S Marling.
The Chairman read a letter from Mr J R Morton Ball acknowledging the letter of condolence on the death of his father sent him from this Committee.
A letter had been received from Mr Sidney Preson announcing the discontinuance of the Canal Control Committee on the 31^st March and the Chairman had replied thanking him for the great help afforded to the Navigation by him and acknowledging the courteous and considerate way the whole of the business had been dealt with.
Agreements with the Stroud Housing Contractors and with Mr Hopson were duly sealed.
The question of whether the Gas House Bridge should be renewed altogether on stronger and up to date lines or only repaired was again brought forward and as no help was forthcoming from the Stroud Urban District Council toward a new and stronger bridge it was decided to repair the existing Bridge merely.
Correspondence with neighbouring Canal Authorities was read and it was decided that as these were not insisting on increased wayleaves for telephone posts, etc, and in view of the provisions of the Act of Parliament in regard to them this Committee should not raise the rates for same.
Mr Richings had agreed to pay 1/6 per square yard per annum for additional 20 sq yards on the Wharf at Stonehouse.
It was decided to do without the new stop planks previously thought needful as the cost would be £22..- and by stopping the Canal for five days the repairs at Newtown Lock could be carried out. Owing to the coal strike but little use was being made of the Canal just now.
The Chairman reported attending (with Mr Snape) a meeting at Gloucester convened by Mr Manning Lewis at the request of the Dockers Union to discuss hours and wages but nothing was agreed upon.
The necessary repairs to Ryeford Double Locks Gates & Paddles were sanctioned.
The piling and sheeting of the Canal bank against the River in the Framilode pound for about 60 feet having given way the men had been engaged in this work since the completion of the repair of the Walk Bridge about 14 days. The weight of the bank had drawn the land ties and the sheeting and piles fell outward into the River, the ties and some of the piles were being replaced and made longer.
Mr Dudbridge attended by request and explained the A/cs which had been agreed to by Price Waterhouse & C^o the auditors for the Government.
Tonnage to date was £553..0..11 compared with £260..2..4 a year ago and £339..19..5 in 1914.
Bank credit balance stood at £516..19..2 against £297..13.0 last year and £463..14..2 in 1914.