Minutes Thu 25 Jan 1923

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Thu 25 Jan 1923


Death of Mr P J Evans. On Board for 23 years, 13 years as Chairman. Resolution expressing Committee’s regret and high appreciation.
Swing bridge at Bond’s Mill is well above level of permanent works of bridge. Estimated cost of work £3.
Letter from Mr King for further instalment on account of contract to be drafted by Mr Bloxham. Messrs King used material of old bridge to complete balance of bridge.
Chairman and Committee met County Surveyor at Pike Bridge on 25 January. County Surveyor to communicate further with Company.
Following Bristol Road Lock damage Chairman had walked over canal to Whitminster Aqueduct. Re putting dam across canal above aqueduct, he thought it as well to accept offer of Sharpness New Docks Co to do work for about £50. He assumed sum included whole cost of erecting and removal of dam, all incidental expenses and all responsibility for same. New gates at lock on Monday 12 February. Hope to have them working by middle of following week.
No dividend because of state of trade and heavy anticipated expenses.

Verbatim text

[1923 Jany] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 25^th day of January 1923
Present: Jack Margeston, S S Marling, F A Little, R J C Little, G A Evans.
Before the commencement of business the Chairman rose and referred to the loss sustained by the Committee in the death of Mr P J Evans who has served on the Board for 23 years -- 13 years as Chairman--. He suggested that a resolution be passed expressing their regret and high appreciation, which was done, and he was deputed to convey to the family of their late colleague the sincere condolences of the Committee.
The minutes of the meeting of the 20^th December last, and of the special Meeting of the 10^th January, were read and confirmed.
Swing Bridge at Bonds Mill: The Chairman stated that he had met Mr Hooper on the spot, and found the bridge was well above the level of the permanent works of the bridge, he had instructed the Clerk to carry out certain work at an estimated cost of £3.
With regard to Messrs Kings' application for a further instalment on account of the contract, it was resolved, in view of the fact of the expense mentioned, that Mr Bloxam be asked to draft a letter for the clerk to send to Messrs King.
The Clerk reported that Messrs King had used the material of the old bridge to complete the balance of the bridge.
Pike Bridge at Eastington: Proposed improvement of road and bridge. The Chairman and Committee had met the County Surveyor on the spot (on the 25^th Jany). The County Surveyor explained his proposal. After a long discussion it was left to the County Surveyor to communicate further with this Company on the matter.
Bristol Road Lock: The Chairman stated that he had visited the place, and walked over the Canal to Whitminster Aqueduct. With regard to the suggestion that a dam should be put across the Canal above the Aqueduct he thought it would perhaps be as well to accept the offer of the Sharpness New Docks C^o, who he understood would do the necessary for about £50:-. He assumed that this amount included the whole cost of erecting and removal of the dam and all expenses incidental thereto and that they, the Sharpness Docks C^o, would accept all responsibility for the same.
It was decided to ask Mr Bloxam to draft a letter for the Clerk to send to the Dock C^o.
The Clerk reported that he would have the new gates as the lock on Monday the 12^th Feby and, if all went well,, hoped to have them working by the middle of the week next following.
The Accounts for the Half Year were discussed and it was decided to recommend that no Dividend for the Half Year ending 31^st December be paid in view of the fact that the state of trade, and the heavy anticipated expenses do not justify the same.
The Committee agreed to recommend the appointment of Mr H R Hooper to the Committee.

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