Wed 25 Jul 1923
Complete renewal of bottom gates at Pike Lock, Eastington, gates in hand. Repairs to heel and bars of outside bottom gate.
Messrs Orchard & Peer’s offer of £73 for stone tile roof of Dock at Eastington accepted. To remove tiles from premises by end of year.
Bristol Road Lock: Messrs Ward & Son Ltd paid £100 in settlement of Company’s claim for damage to gates. Accepted.
Stonehouse Wharf: County Surveyor to pay £1 instead of 10s per week from 1 July. Re Dudbridge Wharf they will 1s 6d per day for any roller stored on wharf. Usual wharfage charge for road material already deposited and any future deposit brought by road.
Bottom gates at the Double Locks: Heel of outside bottom gate repaired. New paddle fixed. Timber rotten. Necessary to scarf heel post. Oak from Ryeford Saw Mills Co £3 8s 3d.
Swing bridge at Saul: Messrs Shipway’s estimate of £21 14s accepted for 2½” oak planking for redecking of bridge.
About 41 sqare yards of land at Newtown. Land included in recent sale of adjoining property but no offer to purchase land.
Mr T F Timpson of Ryeford Lodge application to lay 1 inch pipe to canal to obtain water for his garden granted. Charge £2 2s p.a.
Bad and dangerous state of surface of roadway over Pike Bridge at Eastington. Much traffic. Committee hoped work would start shortly.
To sell £250 worth of 5% War Stock to cover repairs.
Stable, Wallbridge Wharf: Estimates from Mr Wager £5 15s and Mr Hopson £4 17s 6d to take off present tiles and recover with three ply ruberoid and make good to cement banks. Mr Hopson’s estimate accepted, providing tenant, Mr Lambert, agreed that ruberoid is suitable cover for stabling.
[1923 July] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 25^th day of July 1923 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margeston, W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, W^m Davies, Edward P Little.
_Bottom Gates at the Pike Lock at Eastington_
The Clerk reported that The work for the complete renewal of the gates had been put in hand.
He had carried out certain repairs to the heel and bars of the outside bottom gate.
_Roof of Dock at Eastington_
Messrs Orchard & Peer's offer of £73 for stone tile roof was accepted subject to Messrs Orchard agreeing to remove the tiles from the premises of the Company by the end of the year.
_Bristol Road Lock_
Messrs Ward & Son Ltd had paid £100..- in settlement of the Company's claim for damage to the gates, which the Committee agreed to accept.
The Clerk was instructed to send the Sharpness New Docks C^o a Cheque for £185..12..1 the charges for services rendered by the Company during the stoppage. The Chairman undertook to write to Mr Manning Lewis asking if his Company could see its way to granting a reduction of the amount.
_Stonehouse Wharf_
The County Surveyor had agreed to pay £1..- per week on and from the 1^st July instead of 10/- a week as hitherto, and with regard to the Dudbridge Wharf he had agreed to the charge of 1/6 per day for any roller he stored on the Wharf. He also agreed to pay usual Wharfage charge for the road material already deposited, and for any future deposit, brought by road.
_Bottom Gates at the Double Locks_
The heel of the outside bottom gate has been repaired also a new paddle fixed. As the timber was rotten it was found necessary to scarf the heel first. The necessary oak had been obtained from the Ryeford Saw Mills C^o costing £3..8..:3.
_Swing Bridge at Saul_
Messrs Shipway's estimate of £21..14..0 was accepted for the necessary 2½" Oak planking required for the re-decking of this bridge. The Clerk was directed to put the work in hand at the first opportunity.
_Land at Newtown_ -- about 41 square yard.
Mr Bloxam stated that he had seen Messrs Davis & Champion and had arranged for this land to be included in a recent sale of adjoining property. Messrs Davis & Champion had reported that no offer to purchase the land had been made.
Mr Bloxam undertook to see Messrs David & Champion.
_Pipe to Canal at Ryeford_
Mr S F Timpson of Ryeford Lodge has applied for permission to lay a one inch pipe to the Canal for the purpose of obtaining water for his garden.
It was decided to grant his request at a charge of £2..2..0 per annum subject to his signing an agreement to be prepared by the Company's Solicitor.
_Pike Bridge at Eastington_
The Clerk was directed to write to the County Surveyor and call his attention to the bad and dangerous state of the surface of the roadway over the bridge, and to say that as there is much traffic the Committee hoped they would start work very shortly, as in their opinion no time should be lost.
_Sale of Stock_
It was Resolved to sell the £250 worth of 5% War Stock standing in the names of the Trustees for the Company, the proceeds to be placed to the credit of the Revenue A/c.
_Stable, Wallbridge Wharf_
Estimates have been received from M^r Wager £5..15..0 and M^r Hopson £4..17..6 to take off the present tiles and recover with best three ply ruberoid and make good to cement banks.
Mr Hopson's estimate was accepted and the Clerk was instructed, providing the tenant, M^r Lambert, agreed that ruberoid is suitable cover stabling, to instruct Mr Hopson to proceed with the work.
_Half Yearly A/c_
The A/c for the Half year ending 30^th June was discussed and it was decided to recommend that no Dividend for the half year be paid,
_Next Meeting_
It was decided not to hold a Committee Meeting during August.