Minutes Wed 20 Feb 1924

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Wed 20 Feb 1924


Through traffic to T&S Canal for year ended September 1923 £322 0s 8d. Average of last 3 years £387 19s 1d, 1894 £449 4s 1d. Decrease of £68 18s 5d.
Agreement with County Council re Pike Bridge and Bristol Road Bridge.
Mr Godsell’s estimate for two 28 rung ladders medium weight, 1s 8d per rung.
Messrs Price Walker & Co’s estimate for one pitch pine stop plank, 1s 10½d per foot run accepted.
Clerk’s letter to Messrs Cooke & Co re accumulation of silt in canal at Lodgemore.Company had to dredge there to pass traffic. Question of probable cost left until completion of work.
Mr Smith had not yet paid charges for railway borne coal hauled over wharf at Wallbridge, £13 12s 5d.
Estimate for two top paddles required for top lock at Newtown.
Clerk to obtain necessary oakum, sheet iron, pitch and nails for repair of Company’s house boat.
Application from Gloucestershire County Council for Company’s contribution of £150 towards deficit on accounts of T&S Canal, year ended September 1923.
Owing to financial position, subscription to Stroud Hospital to cease. Request from Hon. Secretary, Stroud Hospital Effort, for use of wharf at Wallbridge for parking some of cars in July agreed. Hospital Effort Committee to accept sole responsibility.

Verbatim text

[1924 Feby] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of February 1924 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margeton, Edward P Little, Henry R Hooper, W R Bloxam, Gd Evans.
[Glos C C T&S Canal] The Clerk reported the result of the Statement he had been instructed to prepare in response to the requirement of the County Council (under section 43 of the Thames and Severn Canal Trust Act 1895) as to the through traffic for the year ended September 1923.
It appeared that £322..0..8 was the amount of such through traffic for that year and £387..19..1 the average of the three years last past. The latter figure compared with the average of the three years ended September 1894 (£449..4..1) showed a decrease of £68..18..5 and therefore no payment due under section 46 Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1895.
[Glos C C Bridges at Easington and Bristol Road] _Pike Bridge at Eastington and Bridge at Bristol Road_
The Agreement with the County Council was presented by M^r Bloxam which had been duly sealed.
[Sale of land at Newtown] _Sale of Land at Newtown_
The conveyance of land at Newtown to M^r J C Brain for £5..- was produced, the seal of the Company duly affixed and attested.
[Ladders Stop plank] _Estimates_
The Clerk reported M^r Godsell's estimate for two 29 rung ladders medium weight @ 1^s/8^d per rung, and Messrs Price Walker & C^os estimate for one pitch pine stop plank @ 1/10½ per foot run had been accepted.
[Glos C C T&S Canal] _Thames & Severn Canal_
The Chairman read a letter he had written to Mr Gardom in accordance with minute of last Meeting to which he had received no reply.
[Dredging Canal at Lodgemore] _Dredging at Lodegemore_
The Clerk reported that he had written Messrs Cooke & C^o with reference to an accumulation of silt in the Canal at Lodgemore, and that the Company had had to undertake dredging there in order to pass traffic.
The probable cost of doing the necessary was informally discussed and the Committee decided to leave the question over until completion of the work.
[Wharfage railway borne coal] _Wharfage A/c_
The Clerk reported that Mr Smith had not paid the charges for railway borne coal he had hauled over the Wharf at Wallbridge amounting to £13..12..5 made up as follows:- £ s d
Jan and Feby 1923 - 181^Tons @ 6^d: 4..10..9
March 1923 114@ 1/7: 9..1..8
[Total] £13..12..5.
After discussion it was decided to make an allowance in the Jany and Feby account, that being the period during which the Canal was stopped owing to the accident at Bristol Road Lock, but with regard to the other item to make no exception to the general rule, and to demand the full rate.
{Material Maintenance A/c] The Clerk was instructed to obtain an estimate for two top paddles complete, required for the top lock at Newtown, and to obtain necessary oakum, sheet iron, pitch and nails for the repair of the Cos house boat.
[Ministry of Transport] _Ministry of Transport_
It was decided to forward balance sheet for year 1923 as requested.
[T&S Canal] _Thames & Severn Canal Contribution_
An application was put in from the Gloucestershire County Council for the Companys contribution of £150..- towards the deficit in the accounts of the Thames & Severn Canal for the year ended September 1923 as per Section 44 of the Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1895.
[Stroud Hospital] _Stroud Hospital_
It was decided with regret that owing to the financial position of the Company its subscription to the Hospital must cease.
[Wallbridge Wharf] _Stroud Hospital Effort_
A letter was put in form the Hon Sec Stroud Hospital Effort for the use of the Wharf at Wallbridge for the purpose of parking some of the cars in July next. The Committee agreed to their request on condition that the Hospital Effort Committee would accept sole responsibility in the matter. The Clerk was directed to write the Hon Sec accordingly.
[Tonnage] _Tonnage_
The Tonnage for the period 1^st January to 19^th February 1924 was £74..10..6 comparing with £12..10..1 (stoppage) last year and £160..6..6 in 1914.
[Tonnage] The Tonnage for the month of January 1924 was £68..2..9 comparing with £12..20..1 - stoppage - last year and £99..16.9 in 1914.
[Bank] The balance at the Bank was £273..12..4 against £411..1..3 last year and £451..14..5 in 1914.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Committee fees: 1..12..6
E C Govier Rates: 10..2..6
J H Wilson Rates: 6..2..3
J B Powell Rates: 6..0..3
D E Tanner Rates: 2..3..2
F Miles Rates: 3..18..2
D H Neale Rates: 2..12..7
F Cookley Rates: 1..18..0
S Hopson Maintenance of Canal 16..8..9 Repairs to Buildings 3..8..9 Office expenses 2..6 [Total] 19..12..0

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