Thu 28 May 1925
Only three Committee members present at last meeting. No quorum. Proceedings confirmed.
Mr Lewis of Sharpness New Docks Co asked if it could be stated with certainty that Committee would recommend County Council to carry on T&S Canal for further two years, if all navigations promised financial support. Could not be stated at present.
Letter to Gloucester County Council and their reply in full. Subject to public bodies and Navigations united into Public Trust to which canal was transferred by Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1895, agreeing to continue usual contributions for two years, annual contribution £75.
Messrs Smart & Son and Messrs Ward behind with payments on tonnages.
Mr Z Whiting leaving premises at Eastington on 24 June. Estimates for necessary inside repair of house and renewal of fence against road. Applications to rent premises from W Underwood of Nupend and Mr Beard of Whitminster. First offer to Mr Beard. Rent £30 a year subject to signing Company’s agreement.
Clerk to inspect pair of tidesman’s top boots Mr Fredericks had for sale. To purchase them if price not to exceed £2.
Pair of new oak heels to be obtained for top gates at Dudbridge. Cost of material £4 11s. Extra labour obtained. Work in hand.
Leakage at Stonehouse Cross Bridge from water main.
[1925 May] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 26^th May 1925 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Henry R Hooper, F A Little, W R Bloxam, Gc Evans, R J C Little, Edward P Little.
[Minutes 22 April 1925 confirmed]
Only three Members of the Committee being present at last Meeting, there was no quorum, but there being some matters requiring immediate attention, it was decided to proceed with them, subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
The proceedings at the Meeting of the 22^nd April were read and confirmed.
Thames & Severn Canal
The Chairman stated that Mr Lewis of the Sharpness New Docks C^o had telephoned with reference to the Companys letter of March 31^st last, asking if it could be stated with certainty that the Sub-Committee would recommend the County Council to carry on the canal for a further period of two years, if all the Navigations concerned promised financial support. After communicating with Mr Gardom Mr Lewis had been informed that it could not, at present, be stated that the County Council would be asked to continue to maintain for that period.
A letter to the Gloucester City Council re financial support and their reply thereto were read as below:
14 May 1924
Dear Sir,
Thames & Severn Canal
I am instructed to advise you that my Navigation has had an interview with a sub-committee of the County Council, in reference to the proposed closing of the Thames & Severn Canal. We submitted to them the results of our endeavours to obtain financial support, for two years, from our district. The amount promised is jut over £380 per annum, including £150..- from this Navigation. I have every reason to believe if the other Navigations and some of the Public Bodies can see their way to continue, for two years, the financial support they have given in the past, that the Sub-Committee of the Council will ask that body, to carry on the undertaking, for that period.
I am instructed to enquire if your Council will under the circumstance be prepared to continue its previous payments.
I venture to ask for an early reply to this letter.
I am, dear Sirs,
Yours faithfully
P G Snape.
To The Clerk
Gloucester City Council
Guild Hall
20 May 1925
Dear Sir,
Thames & Severn Canal
I duly received your letter of the 14^th instant and read the same at a Meeting of the General Purposes Committee on Monday last, when the Committee passed a resolution recommending that, subject to the Public bodies and navigations united into the Public Trust to which the Canal was transferred by the Thames and Severn Canal Trust Act 1895, agreeing to continue their usual contributions for two years, the Council should continue for a period of two years the annual contribution of £75..- which has been made towards the deficiency on the working of the Canal.
Yours faithfully
Geo Sheffield Blakeway
Town Clerk.
Thames & Severn Canal continued
The Clerk was instructed to write to the Severn Commission for their reply to the Companys letter of 31^st March.
Premises at Wallbrige, Mr Hopson
The Committee could not see its way to alter the decision arrived in Minute of last Meeting.
Ship Inn Premises
Mr Bloxam reported that he had seen Mr Lee, and was now awaiting a communication from his Solicitors.
Tonnage Accounts outstanding
It was reported that Messrs Smart & Sons and Messrs Ward were behind with their payments on account of tonnage.
Canal Wharf at Eastington
A letter was put in from Mr Z Whiting in which he stated he would be leaving the Premises on the 24^th June next.
The Committee Ordered that Estimates be obtained for the necessary inside repair of the house and also for the renewal of the fence against the road, which Mr Hooper undertook to go into.
Applications to rent the premises were put in by Mr Underwood of Nupend and Mr Beard of Whitminster. After discussion the Clerk was directed to give Mr Beard the first offer at a rent of £30..- a year subject to his signing the Companys Agreement, and to report to next Meeting.
Premises at Stonehouse, M^rs Penn
It was reported that Mrs Penn had not paid the quarters rent to Mach last amounting to £8..2..6.
Canal Inspection
Messrs H R Hooper, G A Evans and R J C Little undertook to inspect the section of Canal from Framilode to the Ocean on the 2^nd June, and the Chairman and Mr Bloxam would arrange for the Inspection of the section from Ocean to Wallbridge.
Tidesman, Top Boots
The Clerk was instructed to inspect a pair of boots which M^r Fredericks had for sale, and, if suitable for the Companys use, to purchase them at a price not exceedign £2.
Top Gates - Bottom Lock at Dudbridge
It had been found necessary to obtain a pair of new oak heels for the top gates at Dudbridge at a cod (for material) of £4..11..0, extra labour had been obtained and the work had been put in hand as the present heels were unsafe.
Cross Bridge at Stonehouse
Mr Evans reported a leakage at Stonehouse Cross Bridge from the water main.
The Tonnage for the period 1^st January to 19^Th May 1925 was £444.1..6 comparing with £404..16..5 last year and £461..5..5 in 1914.
The Tonnage for the month of April 1925 was £79..6..0 comparing with £102..3..4 in 1924 and £100..7..9 in 1914.
Balance at Bank
The Balance at the Bank was £179..11..7 against £76..12..11 last year and £264..18..11 in 1914.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Committee fees: 1..12..6
The Ryeford Saw Mills C^o Maintenance a/c: 41..17..6.