Minutes Wed 18 Nov 1925

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Wed 18 Nov 1925


Clerk to proceed with collections of contributions to running T&S Canal to March 1926. Letter, enclosed, to contributors and objectors who signed Memorial to Ministry of Transport. Copy of Mr Gardom’s letter 11 July to accompany it. Navigation to collect amounts promised. Council’s opposition strengthened unless substantial increase in traffic over canals can be proved. Vital importance of waterways to district generally. List of contributors.
Reply from Town Clerk recorded in minutes.
Mr Whiting to leave canal wharf at Eastington by 30 November or legal action taken. Estimates for weighbridge. Messrs W & T Avery Ltd £317, Messrs Pooley Ltd £269 and £325. Messrs Hodgson & Sons of Manchester offered second hand weighing machine for £85. If Beard consented to pay increased rent, Company should purchase and fix second hand machine.
Mr Turvey’s estimate of £7 15s for outside painting of wharf house at Wallbridge accepted.
Application put in by West Gloucestershire Power Co. to carry electric cable across canal at Whitminster.
Request by County Surveyor for rent for Wharfage Room on wharf at Wallbridge to be reduced from £2 10s to £1 not agreed to. No use of wharf in future.
Mr A E Chandler of Rodborough request for about 50 sq yards of land on Wallbridge Wharf, next Lodgemore Mills granted, £5 p.a.
Re-appointment of Mr G A Evans, membership lapsed, to Committee.

Verbatim text

[1925 Nov] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of November 1925 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Henry R Hooper, F A Little, S S Marling, Edward P Little, W R Bloxam, R J C Little.
[M^r Gardom Page 205 210 215] Thames and Severn Canal - Abandonment
It was reported that the Gloucestershire County Council had not sent the instruction which had been promised relating to the withdrawal of the various objections.
Ordered that the Clerk procced with the collection of the contributions for the year ending March 1926.
The following letter, to be signed by the Clerk, was decided upon. Ordered that this letter be sent round to each of the Contributors and also to each of the Objectors who signed the Memorial by this Company to the Ministry of Transport.
[see page 205 see reply 210 215] A copy of M^r Gardom's letter to this Company of the 11^th July last to accompany the above mentioned circular letter.
[M^r Gardom's letter of 11^th July 1925 on page 205, 210 215] Wallbridge, Stroud
November 18th, 1925
Dear Sir,
The enclosed letter addressed to our Navigation, was received from the Clerk of the County Council in July last. By it you will not that the Council has consented to continue to maintain the Thames and Severn Canal for two years, ie until March 25th, 1927, under certain conditions. We give you below details of which amounts promised by the various Public Bodies and Traders for that period, making in all £770 per annum. You have kindly undertaken to contribute £ .. .. . The County Council suggests that our Navigation collect the money, and it had contented us to do so. The Council's undertaking to continue maintenance has only been obtained with considerable difficulty, and in face of strong opposition, and it is evident that at the end of the period this opposition will be much strengthened, unless a substantial increase in the traffic over the Canal can be proved. The principal ground of opposition to the Council's threatened action is the vital importance of the Waterways to the districts generally. Your future co-operation is therefore urgently asked for.
Yours truly,
P G Snape
Clerk and Surveyor
Users of the Thames & Severn Canal: 115^£
Users of the Stroudwater Navigation: 130
Stroudwater Navigation: 150
Stroud Urban District Council: 50
Stroud Rural District Council: 100
Sharpness New Docks: 150
Corporation of the City of Gloucester: 75
[Total] £770
PS - We shall be glad if you will sent you kind contribution to this Office before the end of the year.
A letter in the terms of the minute of last Meeting had been sent to the Corporation of Gloucester under date 21^st October to which the Corporation has replied as follows:-
27^th October 1925
Dear Sir,
I duly received and thank you for your letter of the 21^st inst, which was read at a Meeting of the Finance Committee on the 23^rd instant, when the Committee approved the payment of the contribution of £75..-.
I think it is understood that some Bodies may not be in a position to make contributions and my explain that the wording of the Resolution of the Corporation and of my letter to the Secretary was adopted in the hope that all who are able to pay will be urged to do so.
Yours faithfully
G Sheffield Blakeway
Town Clerk
The Corporation had been thanked for their letter also expressing the Committees gratitude for the help the Corporation had decided to give.
Ship Inn Premises
Mr Bloxam stated that he had nothing new to report.
Canal Wharf at Eastington
The Chairman read a letter he had received from Mr Whiting. The Committee instructed Mr Bloxam to write to Whiting and to give him up to the 30^th Nov in which to leave the premises or legal action would be taken to remove him.
With regard to the Weighbridge it was reported that the following estimates had been received from Messrs W & T Avery Ltd: £317..- Messrs Pooley Ltd: £269 and £325..- and Messrs Hodgson & Sons of Manchester had offered a second hand weighing Machine for sale at the price of £85,,-. After consideration of the Estimates and this offer it was decided that if Beard would consent to pay an increased rent the Company should purchase and fix the second hand machine offered by Hodgson & Sons. It was left to the Chairman or in the event of his absence from Stroud to M^r Bloxam to try and arrange terms with Beard.
Stonehouse Swing Bridge
The consideration of this matter was postponed till next Meeting.
Wharf House at Wallbridge
The Estimate of £7..15..0 of M^r Turvey for outside painting of the Wharf House at Wallbridge was accepted.
West Gloucestershire Power C^o Ltd
Application was put in by the West Gloucestershire Power C^o for leave to carry an electric cable across the Canal near Whitminster.
Matter postponed till next Meeting.
Gloucestershire Highways Committee
A request by the County Surveyor for certain rent of Wharfage room on the Wharf at Wallbridge to be reduced from £2..10..0 to £1..0..0 for the half year ending 19^th September was not agreed to.
The County Surveyor had given Notice that he did not require the use of the Wharf in future.
Messrs Owen & James Ltd, estimate of 14/6 for 1000 note headings was accepted.
Insurance against fire
It was reported that the Policies re Insurance against fire were under revision.
Wharfage Room - Wallbridge
Mr A C Chandler of Rodborough had applied for about 50 square yards of land on Wallbridge Wharf (next Lodgemore Mills).
It was decided to grant his request at a rent of £5 per annum, subject to his signing an agreement to be prepared by the Companys Solicitors.
The Committee agreed to recommend the re-appointment of Mr G A Evans, whose membership had lapsed, to the Committee at General Half Yearly meeting in January next.
Ordered that the next Meeting of the Committee be held on the 9^th December next @ 3 o'clock pm.
The Tonnage for the period 1^st July to 17^th November was £328..6..9 comparing with £386..8..0 in 1924 and £373..14..5 in 1914.
The Tonnage for the month of October 1925 was £71..10..3 comparing with £75..19..3 in 1924 and £90..3..4 in 1914.
The Balance at the Bank was £214..10..7 against £151..1..7 last year and £320..2..9 in 1914.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Committee fees: 1..12..6
R J Verney Canal Maintenance: 1..14.1
The Ryeford Saw Mills C^o Canal Maintenance: 4..6..2

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