Minutes Wed 27 Jan 1926

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Wed 27 Jan 1926


Thames & Severn Canal Abandonment. Contributions of £423 2s received, 4s Bank Interest Total £423 6s. £150 to come from Sharpness New Docks Co, £150 from Stroudwater Navigation Co, £49 from traders.
Sale of Ship Inn premises to Messrs Lee Bros £500. Legal charges £12 10s, leaving £487 9s 6d

Verbatim text

[1926 January] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 27^th day of January 1926 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Henry R Hooper.
_Half Yearly Accounts_
The Accounts were examined and explained by Mr Dudbridge who attended for that purpose. It was decided to recommend that no Dividend for the Half Year ended 30^th December be paid.
_Thames and Severn Canal Abandonment_
It was reported that the contributions received to date amounted to £423..2..0 and 5/- Bank interest making a total of £423..6..0 in the hands of the Company. There remains to be collected £150 from the Sharpness New Docks C^o £150 from the Stroudwater Navigation C^o and £49 form traders.
Mr Dudbridge kindly undertook to see the Manager of Lloyds Bank Ltd and arrange the rate of interest to be allowed on this account.
_Ship Inn Premises_
The completion of the sale of these premises to Messrs Lee Bros Ltd was reported. The proceeds of the sale £500 had been placed on Deposit at Lloyds Bank Ltd, Stroud, for the time being.
A cheque was drawn on this A/c for the legal charges amounting to £12..10..0 leaving £487..9..6. It was decided, on M^r Dudbridges advise, to place this sum to the credit of the Reserve Fund.
_Canal Wharf at Eastington_
Mr Whiting has not paid the rent
To page 229


Minutes continued on page 229 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/9926/

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