Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/6
Letters written by William James Snape between April 1880 and February 1884
Please sign cheque for half year's salary for Mr Kearsey, the Company's solicitor.
Please move poles to Dudbridge by 1 May or we will forfeit the same.
Enclosing cheque for half year's salary as solicitor to this company
Please immediately return our larch poles to Dudbridge Canal Wharf or matter will be referred to Company Solicitor.
Please get the larch poles hauled at once.
The matter of the poles is in the hands of Mr Kearsey. The poles in the old mill pond at Ebley will remain as we are to put more mud there
Your request for a reduction of 1d per ton on traffic entering via Sharpness was not agreed.
Enclosing cheque in settlement of account.
When work on Shallow Lock complete, send account. Did Saunders mention the man Dangerfield.
Has O Cam finished the crib. Did Dangerfield leave on 4 May as I instructed.
Enclosing bill for paddle rack at Double Locks broken 26 Apr 1880.
Enclosing cheque for hauling poles to Dudbridge Wharf.
Enclosing cheque for first annual subscription. Please send list of subscribers & notice of next meeting.
Receipt returned for correction to start date of 1 July
Asking for the allowance of 5s 6d on the £5 9s tithe rent paid to the Rev T Peters
I beg to call your attention to the great inconvenience caused by the delivery of letters etc addressed to the Canal Company's office at the canal junction near Saul in the Stonehouse district. The letters were formally delivered at the office, but now and for some time past, the postman has gone round by a bridge named Saint [Fretherne] Bridge crossing over the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal about 1/4 of a mile from our office. In consequence of this change of route, the letters have to be sent on by the bridge keeper's children, and if this cannot be done, by any boat passing up the canal. Sometimes the letters are not delivered by this means until late in the day. There are five houses in addition to our office at the Junction, and they all complain. There are not any houses at Saint Bridge except the keeper's house. I believe the change of route was to accommodate Mr Clegram, the engineer to the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Company who had his letters sent in a bag to this bridge, this being near to his own man to take charge of it. He now has his letters through the Frampton on Severn postman, and the Saul postman has not altered his round but still continues to go the old way. I have seen the post mistress at Stonehouse, who is fully acquainted with the matter and will be able to give, I think, all the information required. It has been a grievance for a long time, and I hope you will be kind enough to look into the matter.
From last page: Please could postman deliver to the Junction again
Please paint the canal bridges for £4 10s
Present value of Stroudwater shares is £90
Please notify coal entering Framilode and Sharpness for half year ending Dec 1879
I would like to discuss our refusal to lower the toll on coal entering our canal at the Junction
Since asking you for two carpenters, Mr Clegram has agreed to provide two
G Clark has not yet paid his bill. Please take out a summons. Please get Stonehouse wharfage account. Please ask Mr Woore for his rent.
I have altered the ticket of Valiant. I enclose your quarter-year salary.
Please pay your rent or other means must be taken to recover same.
Responding to a query about tax paid.
Dividends paid on Kearsey & Hallewell's four shares in 1860 and 1874.
The last Stroudwater shares were sold at £90.
If asked by Mr Hooper, please let him have the pump and poles & planks to make a stage.
Please join the team at Eastington who are putting in a new pair of lock gates.
Thank you for the coal traffic statement. Please make one out monthly.
A drain you put under the towpath near Double Locks will be removed next week.
Interior of the house at Dudbridge occupied by Mr Ward needs painting and papering.
If drain below Double Locks is not removed by Mr Ford by next Monday week, please remove same.
Please estimate cost of rebuilding chimney and roof of my house.
Don't remove Mr Ford's drain
Thank you for lending me your two carpenters
Please settle your rent or the matter will be placed in the hands of the Company's solicitor.
Please have men and clay available on Monday to take up Mr Ford's drain on Company property.
I am instructed to take up that part of your drain that is on the Company's property
Committee asked for more details about the stone and slate for the Canal house.
The last Stroudwater shares were sold at £90 each.
Your letter 7 July. Stonehouse postmistress has had no orders to make the change.
Enclosing share certificates in the names of N H Wilton and Thomas Commeline.
Enclosing memo about repairing canal bank, but at what location?
You are fined 10s for running your boat into Pike Lock and only stopping it by closing one gate.
If rent is not paid next week, I shall stop the docking on the water
I have sent bill to A Whiting captain boat Civility and written to William Rice captain boat Victoria. H Cook of boat Edith has left the Company's service so it is not of any use to take notice of his case.
Please have your monthly account ready on Thursday and send the Wherry's ticket for 16 August.
Please collect 10s for small boats owned by Mr Long captain of a Ford barge and Webb & Spring
Please talk with Mr Watts and Mr Rowles re landing place and road traffic.
Re detention of your trap at Walk Bridge, my foreman will enquire and call upon you.
You are to pay 13s for damaging Bristol Rd Lock and 10s for running water out of Bristol Rd pound.
6 oaks & 3 elms are bought. To put dates on new work, let the carpenter do it when he passes any.
You can deliver the oak and elm at Eastington commencing Monday next (not before).
Enclosing cheque for £10 8s for quarter years salary
When vessel unloading at Eastington, please look at ticket. Reliance discharged coke without anyone knowing.
Re cottage at Downfield, the Company do not intend to make any alteration.
2d per ton drawback allowed on grain from Avonmouth & Portishead, not Bristol or Sharpness.
My work is getting behind through you not settling your tonnage account.
Please send price of the light blue bricks I saw when I visited you.
Please allow boat carrying bricks for our own use to pass toll free.
Please allow boat carrying bricks for our own use to pass toll free.
Asking for details of toll charge on one load of bricks and for Committee to rule on future.
Auditor requires you to put in monthly statements of expenditure, rather than putting it in pay sheets.
Enclosing a new night pass book to send in with the money every six months.
Re share for sale, I cannot get any more than £100
Following a near accident with Amos Field's barge, do not risk a similar incident in future.
I have a purchaser for your shares at £100 each.
I have made a special rate of 3d per ton for coal from Bullo to Dudbridge intended for domestic use.
Acknowledging receipt of cheque and cash leaving a balance of 1s 11d.
Please get Mastin to separate his painting bill into one for Cottage account and another for Canal account.
Please collect rents for small boats belonging to Warren and Woore.
Enclosing share certificate No 166.
Enclosing cheque for £34 14s in settlement of Webb & Spring's account.
Please take out a summons against H Lewis for netting at Ryeford.
Enclosing form of share transfer and power of attorney.
Enclosing cheque for £100 for share No 38.
Enclosing receipt from Miss F M Hawker for £100 for share No 38.
Barge Diana took stone from Shallow Lock to Eastington without ticket. Captain to attend Committee.
John Butt bringing bricks from Wood & Ivery on Wednesday. 3000 for Mr Hooper Lower Mill, 1000 for Mr Marling at Ryeford, rest at Eastington for Company.
Rate for iron pipes from G&B Canal to Wallbridge 1s per ton. Could be reduced for large quantity.
Enclosing bill for the hire of the pile driver and compensation for damage.
Mr Waddy has agreed bricks carried by John Butt can pass free of charge.
Enclosing share certificate No 38 in the name of Edward Broderip.
Pay bill for damage to paddle rack at Dock Lock or face a summons.
Enclosing invoice for bricks from Wood & Ivery. Please return signed when bricks received.
Enclose cheque in payment of account. Receipt would be appreciated.
Please come to Hilly Orchard foot bridge which has been damaged by a barge. I will see you there.
Re hire of pile driver, I have reduced the compensation charge for damage.
Enclosing account corrected by Mr Fallows.
Give John Butt a certificate that all bricks have been delivered.
Please remove some of the larch poles on Wallbridge Wharf.
I intended to stack our 5000 bricks only. Send word to Mr Hooper that his bricks are delivered.
Pay off your sawyers next pay day whether they have finished or not.
Allowance of 3d per ton will only apply to the best house block coal brought from Bullo to the wharf.
Allowance of 3d per ton applies only to the Best house block coal brought from Bullo to Dudbridge.
Acknowledge receipt of account and delivery of bricks. Will send cheque.
Please supply price per 1,000 for your best blue bricks delivered in boats from your yard.
Will secure boat load of blue bricks from Wood & Ivery and deliver half at Ryeford and half at Ebley.
I am waiting for 2 boat loads of bricks from Wood & Ivery and sending boat for them.
Shall send boat tomorrow for load of bricks. Please ensure good quality and correct amount.
Smart's boat is due soon with load of blue bricks for me. Please charge him tonnage as agreed.
One of Smart's boats with load of bricks due soon from Staffordshire. Ensure all tonnage is paid.
Am instructed by Mr Beard to enclose list of shareholders of Stroudwater Navigation.
From 25 Dec a charge of 5s per annum will be due for your hut on Wallbridge Wharf. Payable half yearly
Please send pipes by water to Wallbridge. Will charge special rate, including wharfage.
Find cheque enclosed £10 8s 0d as quarter year's salary due 25 Dec. Receipt by return please.
Enclosed is cheque to value of £13 1s 3d in settlement of account for bricks. Receipt please.
Enclose cheque to value of £2 2s 0d as one year's subscription to Stroud General Hospital.
The 3,000 bricks that arrived today were red, not straw coloured as ordered. Clients will not be happy.
Pump in yard appears broken. Inform Mr Ward that he must find another before work is completed.
Enclosing Mr Mastin's bill. Please could you explain the queried items marked in red ink.
Send half yearly statement of coal entering Sharpness. Also any unpaid Ford Bros. tickets or similar.
Cheque enclosed to value £59 6s 5d in settlement of account. Receipt please.
Enclose cheque to value of £35 2s 7d
Legal matters in preparation to enable transfer of share held by you and Edward Hyde to your name only
John Butt Senior to pay tonnage on entering canal at the Junction. Canal completely frozen up.
Further legal matters relating to share transfer. Needs share certificate to be sent on to enable new one to be made out in your name.
Please send receipted account for cheque amounting to £59 6s 5d sent on 17 Dec.
Enclosed is receipt for 2s 6d fee for registering share no.193 in names J P Wilton & F Wilton. Send share certificate for endorsement.
Matter of payment of tithe charge on land between the Junction and Framilode to go before next committee meeting on 17 Feb.
Enclosing share certificate no.193, duly endorsed.