Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/16
Letters written by Percy G Snape between April 1925 and May 1928
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic on the Canal for February 1925.
Thank you for your promise re Shallow Lock's gates. The top gates are not in good condition and the bottom gates leak badly affecting the water level in the top pound. The traders are complaining.
Raising the road level at Eastington has interfered with the fences by Mr Whiting's Yard and near to the entrance of Dock House. Please attend to the matter.
Does our policy 14743224 include a small warehouse on our wharf at Dudbridge which is now let to Mr William Mourbey. He wants to fix a small gas engine therein. Do you have any plans showing old buildings insured near there? If it is not covered then we would want it to be.
Thank you for your letter regarding the fence at Eastington.
The Committee expect the rent to be in my hands this week. They appear sick and tired of the matter.
The small warehouse that you mention insured at £60 must be that under discussion. Mr Mourbey's engine is only small, for cutting up firewood.
The Committee want to know when you will hand over the premises. I understand it will be before 24 June.
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic on the Canal for March 1925.
Enclosing letter received from HM Inspector of Taxes.
I have sent your letter of 8th May to Dudbridge and Co, the Company's auditors.
My Navigation has an interview with a Sub-Committee of the County Council re the proposed closing of the T&S Canal. Will your Council be prepared under the circumstances to continue with previous payments for two years? Continued ..
Continuation of 9
Our position is no better. The Committee will discuss whether we continue to subscribe. Could we do so at £1-1-0 as before?
After their meeting with the Sub-Committee our Chairman and two colleagues cannot say definitely that the County Council will be asked to maintain support. The Council have not asked for a further meeting which would not be possible until the Navigation could inform the Sub-Committee of support offered by other Navigations.
Continuation of 12
Mr Margetson will write to you when he has had replies from other Navigations re T&S Canal.
Re Eastington Wharf: the Committee instruct me to make the offer to you. When can you call on me?
The Canal will be closed for repairs at Dudbridge Lock from 30 May to 3 June or until repairs are complete.
Enclosing Notice of Closure at Dudbridge Lock.
Please reply to our Chairman's letter of 28 March.
Acknowledging that the Council have agreed to continue their annual contribution of £75 for 2 years to the T&S Canal subject to the public bodies and other Navigations agreeing to continue their contributions.
Acknowledging receipt of letter re T&S Canal.
Return your Notice which refers to part of this Canal for which Sharpness New Docks Co are liable.
Users of Canal Bridges accept all risks and are responsible for any damage. Framilode Bridge is not constructed to bear modern heavy vehicles. A heavy furniture truck should remain on the further side of the bridge to the house and be unloaded there.
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic on the Canal during April 1925.
Acknowledging letter re Wharf and Premises at Eastington.
Please see me before the meeting on the 17th.
I will communicate again with our auditors about the 31 December 1924 accounts.
Enclosing another reminder about the Accounts.
The Committee will not alter its decision on the rent and fire insurance for the warehouse at Wallbridge. The rent is fixed at £40 a year.
My Committee cannot pay more that a guinea as last year and if this cannot be accepted then they must withdraw from the Subscribers List.
Please let me have your cheque for Tonnage Accounts.
The Committee will not join a memorial re the River Frome at present.
Saul Bridge was not built to carry heavy modern motor vehicles.
Meet Mr Hooper at Saul Road on Wednesday. He will be inspecting the Frome with one of my Committee and a surveyor. Give him all the information you can.
The repairs announced on 21 May are now complete.
Your letter of the 20th re T&S Canal has been sent on to Mr Margetson.
Your liability for repairs to the wharf house and premises at Eastington will be £25.
Acknowledging cheque for £8-2-6. You are liable for the repairs to the weighbridge under your agreement.
Enclosing cheque for £12-12-0 as renewal premium of Workman's Compensation Insurance 'Excess' Policy. I will send you return of wages, etc so that adjustments may be made.
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic on the Canal during May 1925.
I think your application re Eastington Wharf is too late.
Please call to sign your agreement without delay.
Thank you for your estimate re the property at Eastington. We shall proceed with the repair of the lock house roof, estimate £3-10-0. Please start work so as to take advantage of this fine weather.
Please attend the General Half Yearly Meeting on the 22nd at Wallbridge Canal Offices. The books will be ready for audit by tomorrow afternoon.
The County Council decided that the lower part of the T&S Canal should be kept open for two years on condition that the Stroudwater Navigation pay the Council a contribution towards the maintenance of £770 per annum. Our Committee will consider this on the 22nd. Your kind promise of £75 will be included in the amount.
Did you get my letter about the Eastington house? I should be glad to report progress to my Committee.
I need a reply to my letter about the fence against the road and the inside painting and papering of the Wharf house.
What have you done about Mr Whiting and the wharf premises at Eastington?
Please quote for 24 red deals each 15ft x 9in x 2in.
My Committee and the District generally appreciate your decision to continue to maintain the T&S Canal for a further two years. We agree to collect the monies and do not anticipate any difficulty in getting to £770 although you are aware of the condition imposed by the City Council. The Canal will require the same amount of water from the upper part as before. Signed by J Margetson
I have phoned the Toll Clerk at the lock at Gloucester to (?) coming to this Canal to call at your Yard to pick up 24 red deal planks as per your quotation of 18th April.
George Harris asks that the County Council will change the (?) so that the water can come down to the Canal (?). Do the work and if necessary get a man to help. Let me have a report.
Enclosing statement of Salaries and Wages for year ended 30 June 1925 amounting to £1046-17-0.
Please supply as per your quotation of 21st (?). Please forward the above to Stonehouse Midland Railway Station, directed to John White.
The next meeting of my Committee will be on (?16th August).
Enclosing receipts for Income Tax and counterfoils of Dividend Warrants. Income Tax due on 1st July has not been paid.
Enclosing agreement signed this morning by Mr Hopson.
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic on the Canal during June 1925.
Notice of closure for repairs of Canal from Bristol Road Lock to Ryeford Double Locks from 6 September to 21 September or until repairs are complete.
The Office Expenses in the Revenue account correspond to those in June 1924. Can you help with this?
Acknowledging receipt of letter and cheque for £3-2-7 for Workmen's Compensation Insurance.
Returning key of this Company's Seal Box.
Acknowledging receipt of Cocks and Co's cheque for £25.
The Committee may sell the Dock at Eastington above ground level. How much would you offer for the roof and walls?
Why have you made a landing place on this Company's private property at Framilode? Let me know before the next Committee meeting.
Why have you made a landing place on this Company's private property at Framilode? Let me know before the next Committee meeting.
Why have you made a landing place on this Company's private property at Framilode? Let me know before the next Committee meeting.
The Committee say that you are liable for repairs to the weighbridge at Stonehouse under the agreement.
When will the repairs of the roof on the Eastington lock keeper's house be completed?
Enclosing 18s from Mr Hopson as half charges for preparing the agreement on warehouse and land at Wallbridge.
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic on the Canal during July 1925.
I have told your foreman that the Swing Bridge is not safe for any wheeled traffic. Your continuing to use it is at your own risk.
The Committee thank you for your letter concerning Income Tax and for your kindness in the matter.
The Committee are waiting for the weights of the empty boats.
Acknowledging receipt of agreement re warehouse and land at Wallbridge (Mr Hopson), letters re Stonehouse Swing Bridge (Vowles & Sons) and letters re trees at Eastington (Mr G Bush).
The Committee say they will not require any additional supply of water in Whitminster as there is already a private supply.
The wharfage charge for each engine and each cart brought on to Wallbridge Wharf is 1s 6d per day. I shall send you an account for your hauliers already taking carts over the wharf.
The Chairman wishes Mr Vowles to attend the next Committee Meeting on the 21st.
Enclosing details of Directors' fees and Committee expenses for the last half year; 11 meetings were held.
Has your Council come to any decision after my letter of 15 July? The County Council are pressing us.
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic on the Canal during August 1925. PS Apologies for the delay owing to the absence of the clerk.
The Company's ganger will call on you regarding what you require to be done on the River Frome.
The Committee could not entertain your offer of £10 for the roof of the Dock at Eastington. The next meeting on the 21 may consider an amended offer.
Please quote for items of English oak, elm and red deal.
Enclosing a letter from the Inspector of Taxes.
Apologies if my previous letter was not clear that the amounts given and the public bodies were the complete list. The contributions from Cirencester Urban District Council, Wiltshire and Berkshire County Councils under the 1895 Act could not continue. The deficit of around £500 should come from the County Fund. We hope that which you have promised will materialise.
I understood that your complaint is that we have not sufficiently widened the river. As I have said, we cannot do so on our side without the risk of weakening the Canal bank with possible disastrous results. More could be done on the opposite side but if any work you do interferes with the Canal it is entirely at your own risk.
The tenant of the Eastington Wharf asks for the Cart Bridge there to be widened to take a Ford ten truck. Could this be done and at what cost? Your firm supplied the bridge in 1879.
There are no drawings of the Stonehouse Swing Bridge, such as present level of roadway, wing walls, etc, as there are permanent works there. Any particulars required would be best taken on the spot. We need any contract to include the provision and fixing of the bridge.
I note you have sent on our enquiry to Hobrough & Co, Gloucester.
As we need any contract to include the provision and fixing of the proposed swing bridge at Stonehouse and as there are permanent works there it would be as well for you to take particulars on site where I shall be pleased to meet your representative.
You would understand better what is needed by visiting. If you fix a date I shall try to meet you.
The tenant now wants to use a Ford ten truck so a weighbridge up to five or seven tons should suit. Let me have your quotations for such bridges and for your heaviest bridge so that I can present them to my Committee.
Enclosing copies of Chairman's letter to Mr Blakeway, his reply and this Company's further letter to him sent today.
Copy of 21 October 1925 letter to G Blakeway, Gloucester City Council, signed Jack Margetson, Chairman.
Copy of letter from G Blakeway, Gloucester City Council: The Finance Committee approved payment of £75
The Committee are grateful to the Gloucester Corporation for the help it has decided to give.
We are considering replacing the wooden swing bridge at Upper Mills, Stonehouse with an iron one. Could you give estimates for a bridge that would carry a maximum of 15 tons and for one to carry a minimum of eight tons.
As one contractor invited to quote has said that the costs of preparing plans and estimates would fall on us if they did not receive the contract, the Committee are clear that they will not pay such expenses and will not accept the lowest or any tender.
We will not pay for the preparation of plans and estimate and will not accept the lowest or any tender.
We will not pay for the preparation of plans and estimate and will not accept the lowest or any tender.
We will not pay for the preparation of plans and estimate and will not accept the lowest or any tender.
We will not pay for the preparation of plans and estimate and will not accept the lowest or any tender. I can meet you on site next week but not Tuesday.
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic on the Canal during September 1925.
We will not pay for the preparation of plans and estimate and will not accept the lowest or any tender.
I shall contact our foreman about the watercourse. He has a very urgent job at Framilode now piling our Canal bank against the River. I enclose a receipt for 2s 6d for Mr Winterbotham.
The relevant bridge is a short distance on the Stroud side of our Stonehouse Canal Wharf. The way over is to Vowles & Sons Mills, known locally as 'Stonehouse Brush Mills'. I think the bridge you refer to is the Swing Bridge at Bonds Mill.
I shall put your letter to my Committee. Do you have anything cheaper? In 1906 we paid Bartlett & Co £462 for a similar bridge.
We are considering replacing the wooden swing bridge at Upper Mills, Stonehouse with an iron one. Could you give estimates for a bridge that would carry a maximum of 15 tons and for one to carry a minimum of eight tons. We will not pay for the preparation of plans and estimate and will not accept the lowest or any tender.
One of our tenants asks us to enlarge his road cart weighbridge to take a Ford ten truck or lorry. The Bridge was fixed about 1879 by Pooley & Sons. What would be the approximate cost? A bridge about six tons should suit. We will not pay for the preparation of plans and estimate and will not accept the lowest or any tender.
My foreman has been told to do the necessary work on the watercourse without delay.
Thank you for your estimate which we do not accept.
Re the proposed Swing Bridge: I am waiting to hear from you.
Re the proposed Swing Bridge: I am awaiting a phone message about meeting you there.
Re the proposed Swing Bridge: I am waiting to hear from you.
Re Stonehouse Swing Bridge: We are (?) the planking for the Bridge. Please let me have an estimate on time to put to the Committee.
One of our tenants has asked us to enlarge his cart bridge to take his Ford ten truck. My Committee think a larger plate would meet the case. Any estimates or drawings from you should be free.
One of our tenants has asked us to enlarge his cart bridge to take his Ford ten truck. My Committee think a larger plate would meet the case. Any estimates or drawings from you should be free.
Enclosing specifications and rough sketch of weighbridge.
Re Stonehouse Swing Bridge: Matter deferred until next meeting of Committee.
Acknowledging receipt of letter.
The rent for wharfage room at Wallbridge will be £5 a year.
Re Bridge at Stonehouse: Please send a large Section Sketch with measurements in figures. I see there is no centre member for horse trucks which would be necessary so let me have the extra cost, if any, for this.
Re Insurance 14743224: Could Mr Beauchamp call when he is next in Stroud?
The West Gloucestershire Power Co want to carry a line across this Canal near Whitminster. Does your Company have any views on the crossing and any rent you would charge?