Minutes Wed 6 May 1846

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Wed 6 May 1846


Special Meeting. Two letters from Gregory Faulkner & Co. South Wales Railway Bill No.2 to be brought before Committee Group, Monday 11 May. Solicitor to ascertain if any objection to be made to introduction of clause giving same advantages in tonnage in carrying coal from the pits to shipping place at Brimpspill as allowed to conveyance of coal between pits or Brimpspill to Gloucester. Meeting adjourned.

Verbatim text

At a Special Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 6th day of May 1846
Present: M^r Will^m Fryer, Dan^l Watts, Rich^d Martin, Hen^d Wyatt, W^m Jn^o Wood Chairman, Jn^o H Warman, Jn^o Holbrow, Geo Wathen.
Two letters were read from Gregory Faulkner & C^o the first dated April 27th stating that the South Wales Railway Bill (N^o 2) would be brought before the Committee Group 31 and that the Committee would commence Sitting on Monday the 11th of May.
The second letter dated 2nd May gives the names of the persons forming the said Committee which is appointed to meet at 1 O'Clock on Thursday the 14th May.
It was ordered that our Solicitor do communicated with the Solicitors of the South Wales Railway Bill and ascertain if any objection will be made to the introduction of a Clause giving the same advantages in point of tonnage in carrying Coal from the Pits to the Shipping place at Brimpspill as will be allowed in the conveyance of Coal between the Pits or Brimspill to Glocester.
Ordered that this Meeting be adjourned to Monday 11th Ins^r.

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