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C: The Scheme page 3.
River Stroudwater Navigable. 3
Interest and Principal, the following Calculation, I flatter myself, will fully make appear.
A Calculation of the supposed Annual Income arising from the Tonnage of Goods on this River.
Tons, Up the River. £
1000 of Coal from above Frumbridge, at 1s. per Ton, - £50 0 0
2000 to be consumed from above Frumbridge up to and in the Town of Stroud, at 2s. - £200 0 0
2000 that now come from Glocester and from by Sodbury, to be consumed in the Space of a Half-circle containing Three Miles upwards from the Town of Stroud, which includes Rodborough, Woodchester, Mailsworth, Horsely, Avening, Hampton, Chalford, Bisley, And Part of Painswick Parish, at 2s. - £200 0 0
2000 that now come from Glocester and through Sodbury, within a Day's Journey for a Waggon backwards and forwards to take in Tetbury, Malmesbury, Newnton, and Part of a Circle extending Two Miles beyond Cirencester, and round on the other Side Cirencester, including Saperton, Brimpsfield, Duntsbourne, &c. and part of Painswick Parish, at 2s. per Ton, - £200 0 0
1500 of Corn, at 2s. per Ton - - - £150 0 0
2000 of Grocery, Ironmongery, and Saltery Goods, Liquors, Salt, Oil, Wool, Yarn, Fuller's-earth, Timber, Lime, Bricks, and sundry other Commodities, at 2s. per Ton, - £200 0 0
Down the River
1500 of Corn, Meal, and malt, at 1s. per Ton, - - £75 0 0
2000 of Tiles, Stones, Beech-wood, and Charcoal, at 1s. per Ton, - £100 0 0
Total of the Annual Income, - - £ 1175 0 0
An Explanation of the Account of Annual Profits above-mentioned.
"According to the best Information I can get, there were sold last Year from Framiload and the adjacent Wharfs 3400 Tons of Coal, besides about 300 Tons of Tenby and Smiths' Coals; which together amount
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