A Scheme for a Sinking Fund, 1756

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A Scheme for a Sinking Fund produced by John Dallaway

Verbatim text


N.B. It is supposed that there will be a sufficient Overplus, above what will be expended in making the River Navigable, to pay the Interest for the first Three Years, whilst the Undertaking is in Execution, as the Interest is only to commence whenthe Money is called for.

Principal Sum borrowed, £10,000
1st Year, To Interest on 10,000l. and incident Charges 100l. £600
2d ----- To ditto - - at 5 per Ct. and ditto - £600
3d ----- To ditto - - - - £600
To 10 per Ct. to pay off Part of the Principal Sum, £1000
Balance in hand, - - £236
1st Year, By One Year's Income of the Tolls, - - £1000
2d ----- By ditto, with Interest on 400l. last Year's Savings,
to be put out on Government Securities, at 3 per Cent, - £1012
3d ----- By ditto, with Interest on 800l. ditto, - £1024

Principal remaining the Fourth Year, £9000.
4th Year, To Interest on 9000l. and incident Charges 100l. £550
5th ---- To ditto - - - - £550
To 10 per Ct. to pay off Part of the Principal Sum, £1000
Balance in hand, - - £154
4th - By One Year's Income of the Tolls, - - £1000
5th - By ditto, with Interest on 600l. Government Securities, - £1018
By the 3d Year's Ballance in hand, - - - £236

Principal remaining the Sixth Year, £8000.
6th Year, To Interest on 8000l. and incident Charges 100l. £500
7th ---- To ditto - - - - £500
To 10 per Ct. to pay off Part of the Principal Sum, £1000
Balance in hand, - - £172
By the 5th Year's Ballance in hand, - - - £154
6th - By One Year's Income of the Tolls, - - £1000
7th - By ditto, with Interest on 600l. Government Securities, - £1018

Principal remaining the Eighth Year, £7000.
8th Year, To Interest on 7000l. and incident Charges 100l. £450
9th ---- To ditto - - - - £450
To 10 per Ct. to pay off Part of the Principal Sum, £1000
Balance in hand, - - £290
By the 7th Year's Ballance in hand, - - - £172
8th - By One Year's Income of the Tolls, - - £1000
9th - By ditto, with Interest on 600l. Government Securities, - £1018

Principal remaining the Tenth Year, £6000.
10th Year, To Interest on 6000l. and incident Charges 100l. £400
11th ---- To ditto - - - - £400
To 10 per Ct. to pay off Part of the Principal Sum, £1000
Balance in hand, - - £514
By the 9th Year's Ballance in hand, - - - £290
10th - By One Year's Income of the Tolls, - - £1000
11th - By ditto, with Interest on 800l. Government Securities, - £1024

Principal remaining the Twelth Year, £5000.
12th Year, To Interest on 5000l. and incident Charges 100l. £350
To 10 per Ct. to pay off Part of the Principal Sum, £1000
Balance in hand, - - £179
By the 11th Year's Ballance in hand, - - - £514
12th - By One Year's Income of the Tolls, and Interest on 500l. Government Securities, - £1015

Principal remaining the Thirteenth Year, £4000.
13th Year, To Interest on 4000l. and incident Charges 100l. £300
14th ---- To ditto - - - - £300
To 10 per Ct. to pay off Part of the Principal Sum, £1000
Balance in hand, - - £603
By the 12th Year's Ballance in hand, - - - £179
13th - By One Year's Income of the Tolls, - - £1000
14th - By One Year's ditto, with Interest on 800l. Government Securities, - £1024

Principal remaining the Fifteenth Year, £3000.
15th Year, To Interest on 3000l. and incident Charges 100l. £250
To 10 per Ct. to pay off Part of the Principal Sum, £1000
Balance in hand, - - £371
By the 14th Year's Ballance in hand, - - - £603
15th By One Year's Income, and Interest on 600l. Government Securities, - £1018

Principal remaining the Sixteenth Year, £2000.
16th Year, To Interest on 2000l. and incident Charges 100l. £200
To 10 per Ct. to pay off Part of the Principal Sum, £1000
Balance in hand, - - £180
By the 15th Year's Ballance in hand, - - - £371
16th By One Year's Income, and Interest on 300l. Government Securities, - £1028

Principal Sum remaining the Seventeenth Year, £1000.
17th Year, To Interest on 12000l. and incident Charges 100l. £150
To 10 per Ct. to pay off the Residue of the Sum borr, £1000
Balance then remaining, - £33
By the 16th Year's Ballance in hand, - - - £180
17th By One Year's Income, and Interest on 100l. Government Securities, - £1003

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