Document, Sat 4 Nov 1775

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Sat 4 Nov 1775


Statements by millmen used as evidence for Parliamentary application

Verbatim text

Saturday Nov 4 75
Stephen Cooke present Millman to Mr ? Cooke say he has never senes he new mill been able to pen half a hower

Thos Mayo at Mr Hawkers mill say he has been there 26 years and he never remembers in all the time that he coold pen the watter away on nights & much a sondays he say they have a dole on waste every sonday in the ..

Jno Hill miller at Ebley Mill say he have been there in that ? for 20 years & never was able to 3 nor howers in the dries time & that there is a vas dele of waste water sondays

Amara Harris Millman to Mr Elliotts mill for 22 yeres say they have in some drye somers very skares of water in the week but it has been a Costume with him to leve in the overpoles of a saerday for they having a ware to take of the wast watter so that in a drye time he had went to see if the watter ron was .. bot beleve its most evene in the dryes time of sondays..

Jno Clissold millman for 40 yeres at Mr Hills mill say he ones remember his pening on 12 O Clock a satterday night and came on sonday night and found the pound not ful bot that was a many yers agon bot for many yeres he beleve

that a quantity of water may have ran waste but that they in geneal take no water on the sondas watter as they never worke sondays.

Monday Nov 6
Mr Chancesis Millman say he have been there 38 yeres and belive he remembers wen they coold pen the sondays watter for 121 howere out of the 24 bot it was a very remarkable somer more than 20 years ago but ever since that time the watter in general ran wast most of the day & nigh on sondays

San Webb Millman at the Oyle Mill 9 yeres say he never cold pen 3 howers as he remebers & if he coold it was wne a nomber was pening above ans that of a workers day bot as to sondays he never new bot the watter ran wast all day,

James Cishmede say he coold never pen any time thats not a weekeday above half an hower.

Nr Rodles Millman say wen thay have not helef watter to do thayr busness that then the watter rons waste all day sondays.

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