Petition to House of Commons.
To the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament assembled
The Humble Petition of the several Persons who have subscribed towards the making and compleating a Navigable Cutt or Canal from the River Severn at or near Framiload to Walbridge near the Town of Stroud in the County of Gloucester.
That bu an Act of Parliament passes in the Third Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King Georg the Second Intitled "An Act for making navigable the River Stroudwater in the County of Gloucester from the River Severn at or near Framiload to Walbridge near the Town of Stroud in the same County" certaain Persons therein name or Undertakers were impowered with a limitted Time therein specified and long since elapsed at their own proper Costs and Charges to make the said River called Stroudwater navigable and passable for Boats Barges and other Vessells from the River Severn at or near Framiload to Walbridge near the Town of Stroud aforesaid and diverse Persons therein also named as thereby appointe Coms for putting the said Act in Execution.
That the making the said River Stroudwater Navigable in ? of the Powers of the said Act will be attended with many Difficulties and liable to such Obstructions as will, if executed,. render the same ineffectual to answer the good Intentions and Purposes intended by the said Act.
That by Levels and Surveys taken and a Master Plan wch is here Annexed it appears that a navigable Cut or Canal for Boats Barges Lighters & other Vessells from the River Severn at or near Framiload to Walbridge near the Town of Stroud may with Ease and Convenience be made which will totally obviate and remove all the Difficulties and Obstructions of the River Navigation and fully answer all the beneficial Purposes intended by the said Act.
That an Estimate hath been taken by an eminent and Skilful Surveyor and Engineer of the Expense of making the proposed Cutt or Canal amounting to the Sum of ......... which hath been subscribed by your Petitioners for the purpose but as the same cannot be carried into Execution without the Aid of Parliament
Your Petitioners therefore most humbly Pray this honourable House that Leave may be given to bring in a Bill to alter amend and render more effectual the said Act of Parliament made in the said third Year of his said late Majesty King George the Second and to enlarge the Powers thereof so as to enable your Petitioners to make the said proposed Navigable Cutt or Canall in such manner as to this Honourable House shall seem meet.
And your Petitioners shall ever Pray &c.