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Reasons against old Act by Mr Dallaway.

Verbatim text

Reasons against the Old Act of Parliament
The Number of Shoals in the River espetially at the Tail of every Pill, wch If removed Collect in a short Time again is ? continually obstruct the Navigation, Or render it of so Trifling a Nature, as never to Answer any purpose either to the Proprietors or the Country.
2d The Interfering with the Mills, the Mudding the Water so Prejudicial to Dying, & Washing the Wooll are Objections to the Old Act. Both are very much Increased since the Time of Obtaining the Act. The Increase of Dying in Particular.
3d Because the Canal Navigations have bee found so much more Beneficial, so much less Injurious & wll convey so much greater Quantities of Good at a less Expence & without any Obstruction or ? to the Mills.
And Consequently the Modern Improvements of Navigation by new Canal wll be very much greater advantage to the Clothing Trade of the Country. Whereby the Poor wll be much better imployd, and the Highways greatly preserved & the Publick in general Benefitted.
4th and Because by the Scheme of the Canal Reservoirs wch are Constructed to Reserve the Sundays & other Waste Waters a Sufficient Body of Water wll always be preserved for the use of the Navigation & even a Surplus for the Benefit of the Mills.
5thly - The Vast Increase of the Consumption of Coal & Dying Materials by the Increase of Dying, & the use of Stoves renders the Necessity of this Navigation much more Important than when the Old Act was Obtained.

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