Bye Laws Booklet, 1845

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Page 6

Verbatim text

Barge, which shall be navigated upon the Canal after
the said Ist day of June next ensuing the date hereof
contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof, for
every offence against the above Regulation, shall
forfeit and pay the sum of Five Pounds to be recovered
as the Law directs.

Made at the General Meeting 12th April, 1808,
Relative of leaving the Swivel Bridges open on the
Stroudwater Navigation.

VI. Whereas, it has been represented to this
Meeting, that serious inconveniences have arisen to
sundry persons by the leaving open the Swivel Bridges
on the Stroudwater Navigation, by Persons navigating
Barges on the same, IT Is HEREBY RESOLVED that
from and after the Ist day of May next, any person
or persons who shall wilfully or negligently leave
open any Swivel Bridge, or Bridges, on the Stroud-
water Navigation, shall for every such Offence forfeit
and pay the sum of Five Pounds, to be recovered
as the Laws directs. Anp we do hereby order and
direct that a copy of this our Resolution be made out
and our common Seal affixed thereto, and that the
same be recorded as a Bye Law, amongst our proceed-
ings for regulating the Stroudwater Navigation.

Made at the General Meeting 12th April, 1808,
Respecting carrying Sails on the Stroudwater Naviga-

VII. Whereas, it appears to this Meeting that the
Bye Law made the 14th day of April, 1801, respecting
the navigating Vesssels with Sails is sometimes pro-
ductive of inconvenience and hindrance to the Barge
Owners, it is hereby rescinded, AND IT Is NOW RESOLVED
that from and after the Ist day of May next, no person

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