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or persons, shall be allowed to Navigate any Barge or
Barges, on the Stroudwater Navigation, with a Sail,
or Sails hoisted, within the distance of One Hundred
Yards from any Bridge or Lock on the said Naviga-
tion. AND IT Is HEREBY RESOLVED, that if any Person
or Persons shall be convicted of any offence or offences
against this Regulation, such Person or Persons so
offending, shall forfeit and pay for each Offence, the
sum of Five Pounds, to be recoverd as the law directs.
AND WE do hereby order and direct that a Copy of
this our Resolution, be made out and our common
Seal affixed thereto, and that the same be recorded
as a Bye Law amongst our proceedings for regulating
the Stroudwater Navigation.
Made at a General Meeting of the Proprietors of the
Stroudwater Navigation, held at the GEORGE Inn,
Stroud, on Wednesday, the 24th Day of April, 1822,
Imposing a Fine of £5, on Masters, &c., of Vessels
for neglecting to give an account of the Goods, &c. taken
into their Vessels, or Landed on the Company's Wharfs,
to the Wharfingers of those Wharfs.
the good and orderly using of the said Navigation, —
That all Persons appointed by the Committee of
Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation to look
after the respective Wharfs belonging to the said
Company of Proprietors, shall be Agents to the said
Company of Proprietors, and Wharfingers of the said
Wharfs, and shall have the care, control, and man-
agement of the same, nevertheless, under the care,
control, management, and direction of the Chief Clerk
of the said Company of Proprietors, and of the Com-
mittee for the time being. AND, that Masters, Owners,
and Managers of every Boat, Keel, or other Vessel,
who shall land upon any of the Wharfs of the said