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Company of Proprietors, any Goods, Coal, Corn,
Bricks, Stone, Sand, Slate, Pantile, or any other
Merchandize; or, who shall load or take into any
Boat, Keel, or other Vessel, any Goods, Timber,
Stone, Hay, or other Merchandize, from any of the
said Wharfs, shall give to the. Wharfingers of the
Wharfs whereon the same. shall be landed, or from
whence the same shall be loaded or taken away,
a just account, in writing, signed by the Master,
Owner, or other Person having the rule or com-
mand of every such Boat, Keel, or other Vessel, of
what quantity of such Goods, Coal, Timber, Stone,
Hay, or other Merchandize shall be so landed or dis-
charged from, or taken into such Boat, Keel, or
other Vessel: and in case any Master, Owner, or
Manager of any such Boat, Keel, or other Vessel,
shall neglect or refuse to give such account, or
who shall give a false account, every such Master,
Owner, or Manager, shall forfeit and pay to the said
Company of Proprietors the sum of Five Pounds, to
be levied by distress and sale of the offenders Goods
and Chattels, returning the surplus, if any be, after
deducting the charges of such distress and sale to the
owner or owners of such Goods and Chattels.
Made at a General Meeting of the Proprietors of the
Stroudwater Navigation, held at the GEORGE Inn,
Stroud, on Wednesday, the 24th Day of April, 1822,
Imposing a Fine of £5, on all Persons who shall refuse
to place any Goods, &c., on the part of the Wharf
pointed out by the Wharfinger.
IX. ORDERED, and enacted as a Bye Law, for the
good and orderly using of the said Navigation,—
That the Agents or Wharfingers at the respective
Wharfs belonging to the said Company of Proprietors
of the Stroudwater Navigation, shall and may pre-
viously to the landing of any Goods, Coal, Timber,