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Guard or Fender to the Stem of their Vessels.
XVI. ORDERED that it be enacted as a Bye Law, for
the good and orderly using of the Stroudwater Naviga-
tion,— That no Barge, Vessel, or Boat using the said
Navigation shall pass through any Lock on the same
Navigation, without having a Guard or Fender atta-
ched to the Stem, in order to prevent injury to the
Locks, and that the Master or Owner of such Vessel
shall for every neglect herein, forfeit and pay the sum
of Twenty Shillings for every offence, such Penalties
to be recovered in manner directed by the Act of
Parliament for regulating this Navigation.
Made at a General Assembly of the Proprietors
of the Stroudwater Navigation Company, held at
WALLBRIDGE, in the Parish of Painswick, in the County
of Gloucester, on Thursday, the Twenty-fourth day of
October, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight
hundred and forty-four, in pursuance of and accor-
dace with the Provisions of a certain Act of Parliament
made and passed in the sixteenth year of the Reign of
his late Majesty King George the third, intituled
“An Act to amend an Act passed in the third year
“of his late Majesty's reign, intituled 'An Act for
“making navigable the River Stroudwater, in the
“County of Gloucester, from the River Severn, at or
“near Framilode, to Wallbridge, near the Town of
“ Stroud in the same County; and for giving other
“ Powers for the purpose of making a Navigation
“from Framilode to Wallbridge aforesaid.’”
It was in accordance with the Provisions of the said
recited Act and for the good government of the said
Company and the good and orderly using of the said
Navigation, ORDERED AND ENACTED by such assembly
as a Bye Law.