Bye Laws Booklet, 1845

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Page 20

Verbatim text

shall be imperative on the Master, Manager, Captain,
Owner, or other person having the rule or command
of any such Boat, Barge, Keel, or other Vessel, to
moor such Boat, Barge, Keel, or other Vessel, on
that side of the said Navigation which is or may be
opposite the Towing Path of the said Navigation, and
not in the middle or centre thereof; and in case any
Master, Manager, Captain, Owner, or other person
having such rule or command as aforesaid, shall
refuse or neglect so to do, and shall moor any Boat,
Barge, Keel, or other Vessel, in the middle or centre
of such Navigation, or on that side which shall be
next to or adjoin the Towing Path thereof, such
Master, Manager, Captain, Owner, or other Person
having such rule or command as aforesaid, shall
forfeit and pay the sum of Five Pounds, a Penalty
for every offence.
In Witness whereof this said Bye Law has been
put into writing under the Common Seal of the Com-
pany, in the presence of such General Assembly, and
in accordance with the Provisions of the hereinbefore
recited Act, passed in the sixteenth year of the reign
his late Majesty King George the Third.


Made at a General Assembly of the Proprietors
of the Stroudwater Navigation Company, held at
WALLBRIDGE, in the Parish of Painswick, in the County
of Gloucester, on Friday, the Twenty-fourth day of
October, in ‘the year of our Lord One thousand eight
hundred and forty-five, and in pursuance of and accor-
dace with the Provisions of a certain Act of Parliament
made and passed in the sixteenth year of the Reign of
his late Majesty King George the third, intituled

“An Act to amend an Act for making navigable the
“River Stroudwater, in the County of Gloucester,
“from the River Severn at or near Framilode to

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