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XXIII. THAT any Person obstructing, opposing, or
hindering any Agent, Lock-Keeper, or other Servants
belonging to the Company, in the execution of
their duty, or in fully and completely carrying out
these Bye Laws and Regulations into effect, shall be
liable to a Penalty not exceeeding Five Pounds.
XXIV.—That if any Goods whatever, whether
carried or intended to be carried on this Naviga-
tion, or not, shall remain upon any Wharf or
Wharves or Landing Places belonging to the said
Navigation for the space of three clear days
(Sundays excepted), the Owner or reputed Owner
of such Goods, shall forfeit and pay the sum of
two shillings and sixpence per day, for every day
such Goods shall so remain after notice in writing
shall have been given by the said Company of
Proprietors, or their Agent, to the Owner or
reputed Owner of such Goods to remove the
same, or shall have been left on some conspicuous
part of the spot where such Goods are lying.