Minutes Thu 21 Dec 1775

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Thu 21 Dec 1775


It was resolved that evidence should be found that when there is short water in the River Stroud (Frome) there is short water in the River Severn and no vessel can navigate upon it and to prove that the state of the weirs at every mill and to show that Mr Stephens estate is not injured by Kemmetts Navigation.
John Beard (examined by the board) worked at Fromebridge Mill 3 1/2 years and at Framilode Mill 1 year.
‘They drive sometimes on Sundays two (of 7) heads for scouring the weirs - these two heads will take all the water in short water time. If they were not to go there would be plenty of waste water on Sundays’

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee held by adjournment at the George Inn in Stroud on Thursday the 21^st of December 1775
Present: William Dallaway in y^e Chair, Joseph Wathen, Durley Wintle, John Hollings, Thomas Baylis, Thomas White.
Resolved not to advertise the General Meeting which was to be held on the 4^th of January 1776.
Read a Letter from M^r Tho^s Brettell Jun^r Dated the 21^st of Nov^r 1775. Deferr'd taking any Resolution upon it till this Day sennight.
Resolved to indeavour to get a Petition from Malmesbury. M^r Arundell, M^r Knight and M^r White be desired to forward it and from Wooton Basset. M^r Wathen undertakes it, either a Petition of a Letter to the Member.
Resolved that an Evidence be procured to prove that when there is short water in the River Stroud there is short water upon the Severn and no Vessell can Navigate upon it ~~ and to prove the State of the wears at every Mill, and to shew that M^r Stephen's Estate is not Injured by Kemmetts Navigation.
Examined John Beard.
He work'd at Froombridge Mill 3½ Years ~~ and at Framiload Mill one Year. ~~ 7 Heads at Froombridge Mill. They drive sometimes on Sunday two Heads for Scowering the wear. These two Heads will take all the Water in short water time. But if they were not to go there would be a great deal of waste water every Sunday.
That when they do not go, there are waste boards Pull'd up. Three hands at Framiload Mill, only two generly Work'd. They cannot Pen the Sunday's Water.
Ordered that the Millard at Witminster Mill Tho^s Lawrance be desired to attend this day sennight.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Thursday the 28^th Instant at five o Clock in the afternoon at the George Inn in Stroud.

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