Minutes Thu 26 Dec 1776

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Thu 26 Dec 1776


Mr Pashley inspected and marked suitable timber of Mr James’s at Hereford and Mr Edmunds at Newent, whose timber at Minsterworth was suitable for making the cills of locks.
Mr Hall sold his barge for 50 guineas. An inventory of her tackling to be made.
Mr Pashley to take account of every barge load of coals as it enters the first lock. When it is unloaded it will be given a ticket for the weight and before it leaves the canal it must pay a charge of 1s per ton on the ticket.
Mr Pashley to pay Benjamin Grazebrook weekly the money collected.
Mr Lingard to measure all work done by Robert Perry.
The house at Bristol Road to be build of brick rather than timber. It must be finished immediately.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee held by Adjournment at the George Inn in Stroud on Thursday the 26 Day of December 1776
Present: Joseph Wathen, Durley Wintle, Fream Arundell, James Winchcombe, Thomas Baylis, Robert Ellis, John Hollings, Benjamin Grazebrook.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Received a Letter from M^r Jn^o Pashley giving an Account of his having been to M^r James's at Hereford and Marked forty one Ends which he recommends our buying at twelve pence per foot delivered to the Severn Side. ~~~ he also mentioned that he call'd on his return, on M^r Jn^o Edwards at Newent who has Timber lying at Minsterworth on the Severn Banks which will suite the purpose of the upper sills for the Locks ~~ the price he mentioned was eighteen pence per foot.
Read a Letter from M^r Jn^o Hartsborne desiring his Bill Amounting to £77..13..11 for Coals delivered for the Use of the Navigation may be paid imediately.
M^r Lingard Reported that he had taken care to have the Banks adjoining to the Second Lock secured by ramming it with Clay.
Nothing yet fixed in regard to M^r Webbs Land.
Ordered That M^r B. Grazebrook do go or send to Minsterworth to M^r Jn^o Edmunds and treat with him for such Timbre as is fit for our purpose and to agree for it on the best terms he can, to be delivered at Framiload. And also to go to any other places that he can learn where any good Timber is to be had.
Ordered That M^r Jn^o Harthorne's Bill be imediately discharged.
M^r Grazebrook Reported that he had been to M^r Hall and agreed with him for the price of his Barge at Fifty Guineas and paid him for it.
Ordered that an Inventory be imediately taken of all the tackling belonging to her.
Ordered that M^r Jn^o Pashley do take account of every Barge Load of Coals as it enters the first Lock and that when the Owner of such Barge of Coals after he have discharged the same shall bring a Tickett from our Clerk of the weight of such Cargo which he shall deliver to M^r Pashley and pay him for the Tonnage of the same at the Rate of one Shilling per Ton and that such Barge shall not be let out of the Canal till the Tonnage is paid. And M^r Pashley to pay to M^r Grazebrook Weekly, the Money he has Received.
Ordered a Bill to be drawn on the Treasurer for the Sum of Five Hundred pounds for the Use of the Navigation.
Ordered that M^r Lingard do measure the work that Robert Perry has undertaken, and that he do pay him for the same and discharge him from the work.
Ordered that the house at the Bristol Road, which was proposed to be made of Timber, be built of Bricks, and to be finished imediately.
Adjourned this Meeting to Thursday the 9^th Day of January next at four of the Clock in the afternoon at the George Inn in Stroud.

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