Minutes Thu 17 Apr 1777

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Thu 17 Apr 1777


Mr Powell’s oak timber is onboard company barge, but cannot be brought to Framilode till next spring tide.
Edward Keene to agree with Mr Lewis of Woolerstone for oak scantlings for one or more lock, and to value the company’s wheelbarrows and planks.
Mr Bough recommended making 500,000 bricks near Bonds Mill for use at Chippenham Platt.
Mr Lingard ordered to level and sow the banks of the canal as far as it is finished, and that the canal be cleared and bottomed to the lock at the top of Westfield.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee held by Adjournment at the George Inn in Stroud on Thursday the 17^th Day of April 1777
Present: Thomas Baylis, Thomas White, Robert Ellis, Freame Arundell, John Hollings, Benjamin Grazebrook, Durley White.
Read the Minutes of the Last Meeting.
Edward Keene Reported that the Oak Timber he purchased of M^r Powell is on Board the Companys Barge at Broad Oak, and cannot be brought to Framiload till the next Spring tide. ~~~ He also reported that he saw M^r Lewis Timber Merchant of Woolerstone near Blakney, who proposed to serve Scantlings of Oak Timber to any size at 1/6 per foot delivered to Framiload. ~~ Ordered that Ew^d Keene do agree with him for Scantlings for one or more Locks ~~ and also that he do in behalf of the Company attend to Value the Wheelbarrows and planks on Monday Sennight.
M^r Bough recommended the making of 500,000 of Bricks at or near Bonds Mill, for the use of the Bridge and Locks there, and between that and Chippenhams Platt. ~~~ Ordered that M^r Bough do see that the said Bricks be set forward imediately.
M^r Lingard Reported that he was at Glocester Fair, and bought two Horses, one at £12..2..6 and the other at £13..2..6.
Ordered that M^r Lingard do Levell and Sow the Banks on the Canal as far as it is finished ~~ and that his Bill be paid, and that the Canal be imediately Cleared and Bottomed to the Lock at the Top of the West Field.
Ordered a Bill to be drawn on the Treasurer for the Sum of Four Hundred Pounds.
Adjourned this Meeting to Thursday the 1^st day of May next at three of the Clock in the afternoon at the George Inn in Stroud.

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