Mon 16 Mar 1778
No more huts are to be built on any part of the Navigation without leave from the committee.
The porcupine is to be used at every part of the puddling.
Clerk to write to Mr Bayley at Stourport to forward the Barrow lime by the first barge that comes with Staffordshire coal.
The clerk to go to Newnham one day this week and engage a vessel to go to Hanham for Limestone and also to bring bricks from Frampton.
John Gleave and Thomas Trewin are to plan a method of conveying a feeder from the canal near Mr Phillip’s Bridge to Chippenham Platt. But the feeder not to be used until necessary.
Mr Bigland to procure a quantity of broad clover and grass seeds.
Mr Trewin to give a plan for conveying the Painswick River under the canal, specifying the dimensions of the trunk and the recommended execution method.
Samuel Simmonds to procure a mast for our barge at Bristol.
At a Meeting of the Committee held by Adjournment at the George Inn in Stroud on Monday the 16^th Day of March 1778
Present: Joseph Wathen, Thomas Baylis, Robert Ellis, Thomas White, William Knight, John Hollings, Richard Bigland.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
M^r Kings Acc^t of Damages to be Settled when we have an opportunity of Seeing him.
The Order Continued to have the Slaggs removed to the side of the Canal as soon as can be done.
Mess^rs Wathen and Hollings Reported that they have waited on M^r C Gardner in regard to M^rs Balls Land for enlarging the Church Yard, but did not come to any agreement. ~~ Ordered that M^r Lane be apply'd to, by our Clerk on behalf of the Company, of the Mode of Proceeding with M^rs Ball, in regard to the purchase of Land for the said purpose.
No answer from M^r Barnwood in regard to the Bricks.
Ordered that no more Hutts be Built upon any part of the Navigation, without particular Leave from the Committee.
M^r Gleave Reported that the Fencing of our Wharf at the Bristol Road is begun; Ordered that he do see that it is Compleated soon as can be done.
Ordered that John Gleave do see that the Cutters do constantly use the porcupine in every part of the Puddling.
Ordered that our Clerk do write to M^r Bayley at Stourport, to forward the Barrow Lime, by the first Barge that come with Staffordshire Coals.
Ordered that the General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Navigation be advertised in the next Gloucester Journal, to be held at the George Inn in Stroud on Thursday the 9^th of April next at eleven o Clock in the forenoon.
Ordered that our Clerk do go to Newnham one Day this week and engage a Vessell, or two to go to Hanham for Lime Stone, and also to bring Bricks from Frampton.
Ordered that M^r Hollings be desired to Settle with M^r Power relative to his Stable.
Ordered that M^r Frewen & John Gleave do take a View, and consort a Method of Conveying a Feeder from the Canal near M^r Phillips's Bridge to Chippenhams Platt, but that the said Feeder is not made use of till there is a necessity for it.
Ordered that John Gleave do see that a Temporary Road be made for M^r Halliday, near the place where the intended Bridge is to be Built.
Ordered that M^r Bigland be desired to procure a Quantity of Broad Clover, and Grass seed soon as possible.
Ordered that M^r White be desired to wait upon M^r Chance to fix a Day with him when M^r Colborne, also Mess^rs Ellis & White, to wait on him to pay him in part for his Land.
Ordered that our Clerk do write to M^r Webb, and fix a Day for him to receive the remainder of his money for the purchase of his Land, and that M^r Hollings be desired to attend with him at M^r Colborns at the time of payment.
Ordered that M^r Frewen do give in a Plan for a Trunk for Conveying the Painswick River under the Canal, Specifying the Dimensions of the s^d Trunk, and the Method he would recommend to have it properly executed.
Ordered that our Clerk do give Notice to Sam^l Simmonds to procure a Mast at Bristol for our Barge.
Orederd that a bill be drawn on the Treasurer for the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds.
Ordered that M^r Frewin do see that the work is sett forward at the Eastington Lock.
Adjourned the Meeting to Thursday the 26^th Instant at 11 o Clock in the forenoon at the George Inn in Stroud.