Minutes Thu 14 Oct 1779

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Thu 14 Oct 1779


General Meeting
Money received from tonnage, £375 16s 5d to be applied to completion of Navigation
3s a ton to be taken for all goods, wares and merchandise imported up the Severn to or exported down the Severn from Wallbridge except stone, bricks, copper, slag, slates and clay for which 2s a ton shall be taken and so in proportion for any distance of place.
2s a ton to be taken for all corn meal and grain, also for all goods, wares and merchandise which will come down the Severn and be imported to Wallbridge, and for all goods exported from Wallbridge up the Severn, except corn.
A drawback of 1s a ton is to be paid by our clerk to all persons carrying coals by wagons from the Navigation to Cirencester or Tetbury on their producing a ticket from the person of whom the said coals is purchased certifying the owner’s name of the wagon and the quality of coals. And likewise the same drawback to be paid for all coals carried by wagons to any distance exceeding 10 miles from the wharf where such coals is taken.
Committee authorised to borrow up to £1000 towards completing the Navigation. Tolls and profits to be used to pay of borrowing with interest.
Richard and Nathaniel Watts be paid £10 for widening and completing the bridge and road leading to the wharf at Wallbridge.

Verbatim text

At a General half yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held this Fourteenth day of October 1779 at the George Inn in the Town of Stroud
Joseph Wathen in the Chair.
The Minutes of the last Meeting were Read and Confirmed.
The several Books and Accounts were produced respecting the affairs of the Company (as directed by the Act of Parliament) and examined and Confirmed.
Ordered that the Money Rece'd for Tonnage from the 1^st April last to this day amounting to the Sum of Three Hundred and Seventy five Pounds Sixteen Shillings and five Pence be paid into the Treasurers Hands and apply'd towards Compleating the Navigation.
Ordered that Three Shillings per Ton be taken for all Goods, Wares and Merchandises Imported up the Severn to, or Exported down the Severn from Wallbridge, Except Stone, Bricks, Copper, Slaggs, States and Clay for which two Shilling per Ton shall be taken and so in proportion to any less distance of Place.
Ordered that two Shillings per Ton be taken for all Corn Meal and Grain, also for all Goods Wares and Merchandise (Except Coals) which shall come down the Severn and be imported to Wallbridge and so in proportion for any less distance of Place, and likewise the same per Ton for all Goods wares and Merchandises which shall be exported from Wallbridge up the Severn, Except Corn which shall be the same as Settled at the last General Meeting.
Ordered that a drawback of one Shilling per Ton be paid by our Clerk to all Persons carrying Coals by Waggons from the Navigation to Cirencester of Tetbury on their producing a Tickett from the Person of whom the said Coals is Purchased, Certifying the Owners Names of the Waggon, and the Quantity of Coals in such Waggon. And Likewise the same draw back to be paid for all Coals carried by Waggons to any distance exceeding Ten Miles from the Wharf were such Coal is taken.
We do hereby Authorise and empower the Committee for the time being to make use of the Seal of the Company on any Contract, Bargain, Sale of Lands or otherwise, at any time heretofore made or hereafter to be made as they at their discretion shall see fitt as far as is necessary to execute the Contract entered into with M^r Samuel Remington for a Piece of Land call'd the Barn Orchard.
We do approve the Mode adopted by the Committee in making a new Cutt on the side of Whitmister Mill Pont and in Conveying the Old River under the Canal to make the Navigation Compleat.
Ordered that the Thanks of this Meeting be given to Ralph Bigland Esq^r and Richard Bigland Esq^r for their Genteel Present of Flaggs for the Companys Barge.
We do Authorise and empower the Committee or any five or more of them to take up and Borrow any Sum of Money not exceeding One Thousand Pounds for carrying on and Completing the Navigation. And We do hereby declare that our respective Shares shall be Charged and Chargeable with and become a security for the Sum so taken up and Borrowed with Lawfull Interest for the same. And We do hereby Authorise and empower the Committee for the time being to apply the Tolls and Proffits arising from the Navigation in discharge and Payment of the Sum so Borrowed with Interest.
Ordered that Mess^rs Richard and Nathaniel Watts be paid Ten Pound towards the Sum expended in widening and Compleating the Bridge and Road leading to the Wharf at Wallbridge.
We do Authorise and empower the Committee to Borrow a Sum of Money for the purpose of Building a House at Wallbridge, on such Plan as shall be approved by the Committee.

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