Wed 23 Mar 1785
Samuel C Peach and William Gainsford Peach claimed six shares, will of Nathaniel Peach.
Petition from Mr Chambers in favour of bill for making a canal from Abingdon to join Thames & Severn at or near Lechlade. Clerk to request copy of bill before petition is signed by committee.
Clerk to procure stone from Quarrhouse Quarry to repair wing walls of locks and bridges.
At a Meeting of the Committee held by adjournment at the Swan Inn in Stroud on Wednesday the 23^d of March 1785
Present: John Hollings, Thomas Baylis, James Dallaway, Nathaniel Jones, John Allaway.
Read the Minutes of the last Committee Meeting.
Our Clerk Reported that he has Settled with M^r Samuel King.
No Answer Yed Rece'd from M^r Jepson respecting the Rev^d M^r Yates's Land.
M^r Colborne attended on behalf of Samuel Peach and William Gaisford Peacy Esquires, and made out their Claim to Six Shares in the Stroudwater Navigation late the property of the late Nathaniel Peach Esquire deceased, by producing the Probate of the said Nathaniel Peach's Will, whereby the said Samuel Peach and William Gaisford Peach are appointed Joint Executors of the said Will. And the said Claim is hereby admitted.
Rece'd a Petition from M^r Chambers to be signed by the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation in favour of a Bill now depending for making a Canal from Abingdon to join the Thames and Severn Canal at or near Lechlade. Ordered that our Clerk do write to M^r Chambers requesting to have a sight of the said Bill before we can with propriety determine on such Petition.
Ordered that our Clerk do endeavour to procure some large Stone from Quarrhouse Quarry, for the purpose of repairing the Wing Walls of the Locks and Bridges.
Ordered that M^r Franklins Bill be paid.
Adjourned this Meeting to Monday the 11^th of April next at five O'Clock in the afternoon at the Swan in Stroud.