Minutes Tue 11 Apr 1786

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Tue 11 Apr 1786


General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £1124 4s 6d + £232 1s 10d. Balance £1356 6s 4d. Dividend of £3 15s declared.
Byelaw order of 1784, placing a fine of 5s on absent Proprietors, rescinded.
Committee for next year: Sir George Paul Bart., Joseph Wathen, John Hollings, James Dallaway, Joseph Cripps,Nathaniel Winchcombe, Fream Arundell, John Colborne, William Battersby, Thomas Crozier Arundell, Joseph Harford, Richard Bigland, John Allaway, Benjamin Grazebrook.
Mr Ben Grazebrook to pay £25 tonnage for barges to and from Gloucester and Bristol till next half yearly meeting.
Lands belonging to Company not useful for wharfs to be sold.

Verbatim text

At a General Half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held this Eleventh Day of April 1786 at the George Inn at Stroud
Joseph Wathen Esq^r in the Chair.
The Minutes of the last General Meeting were Read and confirmed.
The several Books and Accounts were produced respecting the affairs of the Company and examined and confirmed.
Ordered that the money Received for Tonnage from the 11^th of October last to this Day amounting to the Sum of Eleven hundred & Twenty four pounds four Shillings & Sixpence be paid into the Treasurers Hands, which with the Sum of £232..1..10 now in his possession maes £1356..6..4 Ballance in his hands.
Resolved that a Dividend of three pounds and fifteen Shillings be made on each Share and that the same be paid by the Treasurer on the first Day of May next out of the said Sum of £1356..6..4 and the Ballance remaining be applied by the Committee towards payment of the respective Debts.
Ordered that our Clerk (before the Day of payment) do transmit Circular Letters to those Proprietors who are absent from this Meeting to inform them that they may draw on the Treasurer or apply to him for payment of the same.
Whereas as the General Meeting the 13^th of April 1794 it was Resolved that every absent Proprietor who did not attend the General Meetings in future either in Person or by Proxy should forfeit and pay the Sum of five Shillings for such neglect and the same was considered as a Bye Law under the Seal of the Company. Resolved that the said Order be Recinded and the same is hereby Recinded accordingly.
The following Gentlemen were by Ballot appointed a Committee for the Year ensuing, Viz:
Sir George Paul, John Allaway, Nathaniel Winchcombe, Ben^n Grazebrook, Joseph Wathen, John Colborne, Joseph Cripps, Tho^s Crozier Arundell, James Dallaway, John Hollings, Richard Bigland, William Battersby, Joseph Harford.
Ordered that M^r Ben^n Grazebrooks Barges to and from Glocester and Bristol do pass and repass the Canal to the next half yearly Meeting in Consideration of his paying the Sum of Twenty five pounds for the Tonnage during that time.
Resolved that all such Lands belonging to the Company as are not usefull for Whars be sold and the Committee are hereby directed to dispose of them in such manner as they shall see fit and We do hereby authorise them to make use of the Seal of the Company for that purpose.

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