Minutes Tue 14 Oct 1788

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Tue 14 Oct 1788


General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £533 3s 10½d. Balance after wages, etc, £254 14s 4d.
Committee to proceed against Mr Keck till he has fulfilled his agreement with the Company.
Mr B Grazebrook to pay £25 for his barges on canal for half year.
Not enough money in hand to pay dividend. Instead Committee to purchase coals to build up stock. To be disposed at the lowest terms they can be afforded.
Two clerks to exchange departments for next half year.

Verbatim text

At a General Half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroud Water Navigation held this 14^th Day of Oct^r 1788 at the George Inn Stroud
W^m Battersby Esq^r in the Chair.
The Minutes of the last General Meeting were Read and Confirmed.
The Several Books & Acc^ts were produced respecting the affairs of the Company (as directed by the Act of Parliament) & Examined & Confirmed.
It appears by the Acc^ts that the Sum of £533..3..10½ have been received for Tonnage from the 8^th of April last to this day part of which have been applied towards payment of the last half years dividend other payment thereof is in payment of Debts, wages, etc, etc, there remains a Ballance in the Treasurers hands of £254..14..4.
Resolved that this Meeting approves the Conduct of the Committee respecting M^r Keck & direct them to proceed against him till he has fulfild his Agreement w^th the Company.
Orderd that M^r B. Grazebrooks Barges to & from Gloucester & Bristol do pass & repass the Canal till the next half yearly Meeting in consideration of his paying Twenty five Pounds for Tonage and Warfage during that time.
It appearing by Treasurers Account that ther is not a sum of money in hand nearly sufficient to make the usual Dividend, & that there is not a Stock of Coal for the supply of the neighbouring Country, for the next winter, It is Resolved that the Committee be directed to purchase Coals on the Companys Account to the amount of the monies in hand or if that be found insufficient, to apply the monies received during the next half year not exceeding in the whole the sum of £500 in purchasing Coals and disposed of the same on the lowest terms they can be afforded.
Resolved that the respective departments of the two Clerks now employed be exchanged for the next half year Viz: That M^r Edward Hains be employed for the upper department & M^r Sam^l Baylis for the lower and the securities be given in conformity to the Order of the Committee of the 28 of Feb^y last.

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