Mon 5 Dec 1791
Clerk able to procure only a few ladings through scarcity of coal.
Mr Beard to get barges from banks of Severn for supply of Forest coals at Lydney.
Payment of £12 12s 9½d to be made to executors of Daniel Smith for land.
At a Meeing of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Monday the 5^th of December 1791
Present: John Hollings, John Allaway, Henry Burgh, Benj^n Grazebrook, Joseph Grazebrook.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Our Clerk reported that he has been at Glocester several times but have not been able to procure but a few Ladings owing to the very great scarcity of the Coals upwards. Ordered that he exerts himself as much as possible to procure a sufficient Supply.
Ordered that W^m Beard do go to the Banks of the Severn to get what Barges he can, and to engage for a sufficient Supply of Forest Coals at Lidney.
Our Clerk produced an Account due to the Ex^rs of Dan^l Smith Esq^r for Land amounting to 12^£..12^s..9½^d. Ordered that the same be immediately paid.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Monday the Sixteenthe day of Jan^y next at twelve o Clock in the forenoon at the George Inn in Stroud.